Latina, a night reading marathon to commemorate Antonio Pennacchi three years after his death
The event will be held at the Cambellotti Arena, a reading marathon of "Canale Mussolini" will be held from 20:00 pm on August 3rd and will end at 08:00 am on August 4th. An event to remember the winner of the Strega Prize in 2010, Antonio Pennacchi, three years after his death.
Latina, a night reading marathon to commemorate Antonio Pennacchi three years after his death
It's scheduled, on August 3, a reading marathon “Mussolini Canal” at the Cambellotti arena. three years since the disappearance of Antonio Pennacchi, winner of the Strega Prize in 2010, the Municipality of Latina and the spontaneous group “Friends of Antonio Pennacchi” they wanted to remember the writer with the complete reading of “Mussolini Canal”.
The event will be held at the Cambellotti arena ed will start from 20pm, until the end of the reading marathon scheduled for 8 am on August 4th in which will move for the conclusion to Viale Pennacchi, on the Latina seafront.
In addition to relatives, to the writer's friends and acquaintances, all interested they can participate in the reading marathon and request to read a passage from the novel. To do it, you need to send an email to book
"The event - says mayor Matilde Celentano - was conceived to commemorate and pay homage to the life and work of the winner of the Strega Prize who brought high the name of Latina. The municipal administration has already named the final part of the street that leads to the Latina seafront after Pennacchi, a son of this land, and with this event, it wants to remind the city of the great cultural and literary contribution he left us, as well as promoting reading among citizens”.
"We wanted to remember Antonio Pennacchi - declares Massimiliano Lanzidei of the association “Friends of Antonio Pennacchi” -reading one of his books, to feel him close to having the sensation of having him among us. With the reading marathon we want to give the opportunity to all those who want to participate and remember the artist together."
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