La Spezia: the 14th edition of “Libriamoci. Reading everywhere, reading anyway” from 10 to 17 November
The 14th edition of Let's free ourselves. Read everywhere, read anyway announced yesterday morning at a press conference by the Mayor Pierluigi Peracchini, from the manager to the Cultural Services Rosanna Ghirri and by the official responsible for the library system Sarah Bruschi to be held from the 10 17 November.
Pierluigi Peracchini -Mayor of La Spezia “In such a complex and uncertain era as the one we are living in, with Libriamoci. Leggere ovunque, leggere comunque we wanted to explore the boundaries of the future, the main theme of this 14th edition, as always through the lens of literature which represents, once again, a precious guide to building our tomorrow. Through presentations, talks, workshops and the presence of highly important authors, this literary review allows us to reflect on the present and provides us with tools to try to imagine the direction we are running towards.”
The event dedicated to the promotion of reading organized by the Urban Library System of the Municipality of La Spezia was the undisputed protagonist of La Spezia culture during 2024 which for the first time determined a turning point in the entire event: “Libriamoci” in fact debuted in May with “Let's Read - Spring”, a preview with big names like those of John Solimine, Raffaella Romagnolo, Dario Vergassola e Alessandra Sarchi, just to name a few, and then continue – until March 2025 – with “Let's Read – Authors of the Gulf”, book presentations by local writers following an expression of interest, and special events with “Let's read – by author” in collaboration with the local bookshops which has brought names of the calibre of Marco De Paolis, among others.
"Verb form: future!” is the underlying theme of the entire Libriamoci 2024 festival, a true exhortation to learn about the challenges of the future through the ways of literature, poetry, new technologies and the relationship with nature. The future is a time that has not yet taken place and in recent years humanity has realized that it is also a place not yet reached by time, whose destiny involves everyone. Thus it has become increasingly urgent to question ourselves about how much the human species impacts, with its very existence, the life of the Earth and how the way of thinking and expressing oneself through poetic and literary language must also find a new form. With 26 appointments, it is reading that becomes a compass to orient oneself not in a place, but in a time, predicated in the future, through exciting themes with great names of the Italian cultural scene.
“After the preview in May, the review dedicated to the dissemination of reading resumes with a program that aims to involve as diverse an audience as possible, with a careful eye on the new generations – he declares Alessandro Maggi – Workshops, presentations of works, talks with artists, writers, popularizers, cartoonists, to underline how fundamental it is to spread the beauty of the author's word by combining it in all possible ways to feed in the user that cultural and artistic connection that inevitably improves the quality of thought and conscience.”
"Nostalgia for the future” is, in fact, the emblematic title of the dialogue between the 2024 Strega Poetry Prize Stephen From White and Beatrice doormats, whose intellectual and artistic contribution has been fundamental. Poetry is one of the bisectors of Libriamoci sulle orme di Giovanni Giudici of which this year the one hundred years since the birth and which the review could not forget. The homage to the Ligurian poet will be paid not only by Dal Bianco and Zerbini but also by Nicola's, D'Elia e Rivals in two different days all dedicated to poetic language and the results of contemporary Italian poetry. A special evening poetic event at the Civic Theater sees Lorenzo Marangoni as a special protagonist.
Gio Evan, multifaceted artist, writer, singer and poet, Claver Gold, writer and rapper, representative of Italian conscious hip-hop, are the two big names exponents of the generation born in the late 1980s who will characterize the talks at the Teatro Civico.
Professor will still discuss the new generations Giuseppe Antonelli, Andrea Maggi who made her small screen debut with the docu-reality “The college"And Silvio Petta, founder of the dads community.
An entire day will then be dedicated to philosophy, thanks to the contributions of university professors Alfonso Iacono, Luca Mori e Emma Nanetti dedicated to schools, to educational workshops for the little ones, specifically philosophical and, above all, with the presence of Ilaria Gaspari and his latest book “The reputation”, the famous Italian writer who collaborates with various newspapers, creates podcasts, has a show on Radio 3 and holds writing courses at the Holden School.
Bartezzaghi, Jacobelli, sarchi, Mencarelli, Water, Francavilla, Tartagni They will be the protagonists of special events with lectio magistralis, workshops and awards for writing works with schools and talks on the implications of contemporary literature.
A unique space will be reserved for science thanks to Sabrina Mugnos who will present his new book just released "The Whispering Universe: How to Search for Alien Life on Earth” which pushes us to confront, through science, the question that has always gripped writers and artists, astronomers and ordinary people: are we alone in the cosmos?
As every year, thanks to the important artistic contribution of Philip Count, Libriamoci also has comics among its inevitable themes: an entire day is in fact dedicated to literature and art with David Barzi, Stephen Tamiazzo with an extraordinary story about the Santo Stefano prison in dialogue with Licia Vanni Legal-pedagogical officer of the La Spezia District Prison, Joseph Camuncoli and the return of Bepi Vineyard.
Again, the main protagonists continue to be the educational workshops reserved for children with experts in the sector of the calibre of Susi Danesin, David Conati e Gianluca Passarelli.
Poetry and music, the classics, philosophy as a practice of truth, contemporary literature, the art of comics, science will be the genres investigated by the authors protagonists of this edition: Giuseppe Antonelli, Stefano Bartezzaghi, David Barzi, Joseph Camuncoli, David Conati, Stephen From White, Susi Danesin, Corrado D'Elia, Cristina Dell'Acqua, Francesco DeNicola, Gio Evan, Roberto Francavilla, Daniele Furlati, Ilaria Gaspari, Claver Gold, Federica Iacobelli, Alfonso Iacono, Andrea Maggi, Lorenzo Maragoni, Daniel Mencarelli, Luca Mori, Sabrina Mugnos, Emma Nanetti, Pierfrancesco Pacoda, Gianluca Passarelli, Elena Pau, Silvio Petta, Alessandro Rivali, Alessandra Sarchi, Stephen Tamiazzo, Morena Tartagni, Bepi Vineyard, Beatrice Zerbini.
Libriamoci, in fact, is a review that reflects the idea of lightness of Italo Calvino, not intended as superficiality but as a way of gliding over things from above, without having millstones on the heart. reading promotion, therefore, remains the undisputed foundation of the review which looks at books and dialogue with writers as opportunities for profound reflection but also for great light-heartedness.
All events are free ad free access until all available seats are taken. It will still be possible book from Monday 4th November your place through the site .
Sunday November 10
Libriamoci 2024 Inauguration – 14th Edition
Institutional greetings from the Mayor of La Spezia Pierluigi Peracchini
Presentation by Alessandro Maggi of the Libriamoci 2024 programme
Best Library Reader Award 2024 Presentation
Giuseppe Antonelli, Andrea Maggi and Silvio Petta, “The Youth of Yesterday and Today”
Followed by a literary aperitif at PIN
21.00 – Civic Theatre
Talk with Gio Evan
Monday November 11
21.00 – Civic Theatre
Stefano Bartezzaghi, “He who wins does not know what he is losing”,
Tuesday November 12
10.00 Meeting with schools – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
“From Reading to Writing: Stories That Imagine Theatre”, Educational Workshop with Federica Iacobelli
12.00 – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
Award ceremony for writing workshops for children
17.00 – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
Francesco De Nicola presents “Camillo Sbarbaro. Writing to Live” in dialogue with Alessandro Rivali. A tribute by Giovanni Giudici 100 years after his birth
18.30 – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
Corrado D'Elia presents “Iliad. History of Men” in dialogue with Alessandro Rivali
Followed by a literary aperitif
21.00 – Ligurian Regional “S. Fregoso”
Alessandra Sarchi presents “Vive! Heroines who rebel against their tragic destiny” with Daniele Furlati
Wednesday November 13
10.30 Meeting with schools – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
“Philosophy with Children: A Toolbox to Build the World Around Us”
Alfonso Iacono, Fiction as a Practice of Truth
Luca Mori, Thinking with the classics of philosophy: ideas and experiments to do in the classroom or outdoors
Emma Nanetti, Thinking with the heart. Emotions in the classroom between philosophy and teaching
16.30 – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
Emma Nanetti presents “The philosopher is a pirate. Notes and ideas for philosophy with children” in dialogue with Susanna Varese
17.30 – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
“Who lives in my heart?”, educational workshop on philosophy by Emma Nanetti for children aged 6 to 11
18.00 – A. Cuffini Cycling Museum
Dialogue with Morena Tartagni, protagonist of the book “I wanted to be a runner” by Gianluca Alzati
18.30 – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
Ilaria Gaspari presents “Reputation” in dialogue with Gabriella Tartarini
Followed by a literary aperitif
21.00 – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
Claver Gold Talk with Pierfrancesco Pacoda
Thursday 14th of November
21.00 – Civic Theatre
Daniele Mencarelli and Cristina Dell'Acqua, “Starting from the Origin. From Myth to Literature” and presentation of the book “Burn the Origin”.
Friday 15 November
9.30 and 11.00 hours Meeting with schools – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
“In the Clouds”, educational workshop with Davide Barzi
16.30 – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
Stefano Tamiazzo, “The Life Sentence of Santo Stefano – Never-ending Sentence” in dialogue with Licia Vanni and Filippo Conte
18.30 – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
Giuseppe Camuncoli, “Life in comics: a journey into art” in dialogue with Giuseppe Conte
Followed by a literary aperitif
21.00 – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
Bepi Vigna, “The songs of Gadalas” with readings by Elena Pau
Saturday November 16
10.30 – “PM Beghi” Civic Library
“Dlin Dlon, Ops, Vrum!”, educational workshop, reading aloud, voice and imagination games for families with Susi Danesin for children aged 6 to 11
Sabrina Mugnos presents “The Whispering Universe. How to Search for Alien Life on Earth”
Followed by a literary aperitif
Sunday November 17
10 am – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
“Let's save the environment and energy”, an educational workshop by David Conati with live drawings by Gianluca Passarelli and technical support by Paolo Canova for children aged 8 to 11,
17.00 – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
Roberto Francavilla presents “City without demons” in dialogue with Maria Laura Spinogatti
18.30 – Ligurian Regional Media Library “S. Fregoso”
Stefano Dal Bianco and Beatrice Zerbini, “Nostalgia for the Future. An Evening Like Many Others”. A tribute by Giovanni Giudici 100 years after his birth.
Followed by a literary aperitif
21.00 – Civic Theatre
Lorenzo Marangoni, “Stand Up Poetry”
All meetings are free until all seats are taken. You can book your place through the website from Monday 4 November.
All the info also on
Tel. 0187.745630;
Ig @mediateca.laspezia
Via Firenze, 37 – La Spezia
Tel. 0187.727885;
Ig @biblioteca_beghi
Via Canaletto, 100 – La Spezia
Tel. 0187.727515;
Ig @biblioteca.mazzini
Cavour Street, 251 – La Spezia
Tel. 0187.727918
Via del Prione, 238 – La Spezia
Libriamoci is promoted and produced by the Municipality of La Spezia
Pierluigi Peracchini, Mayor and Councilor for Culture
Rosanna Ghirri, Director of Cultural Services
Alessandro Maggi, Artistic Coordinator
Sara Bruschi, Head of Archives and Libraries
Organized by the Urban Library System of the Municipality of La Spezia
Reproduction reserved © Copyright La Milano