In Verona the concert of peace “Shouts of freedom. Splinters of war”

A great event scheduled for November 1st and December 7th in Gran Guardia.

In Verona the concert of peace “Shouts of freedom. Splinters of war”.

Verona. “Cries of freedom, splinters of war”. This is the title that sums up the concert dedicated to peace, to solidarity between peoples and against all the conflicts that still inflame the planet today, divided into two different evenings, scheduled atGran Guardia Auditorium, with starting at 20.45pm, Wednesday 1 November and Thursday 7 December.

The event, organized byMusica Viva cultural association and the music critic Giampaolo Rizzetto with the patronage ofDepartment of Culture, does not issue proclamations, but undertakes to bear witness to a unanimous rejection of war and all cruelty.

The goal is to reopen a international songbook, written for all those people who have dedicated and dedicate their lives in favor of civil rights, against racism, dictatorships, nuclear threats and massacres of innocent people. At the same time for replace inertia, disengagement and daily problems with a brief, albeit temporary, moment of reflection, with a thoughtful look towards an uncertain and disturbing future.

Free entry while places last. The proceeds will be donated to AGBD, down syndrome.

“Art, music, culture – declared the Councilor for Culture Marta Ugolini - they have the ability to make people think and lead them, perhaps on an emotional level, to understand and empathize with a world that we want to be different from this one. Today I address a particular thought to our colleague and friend Claudio Bassi, who should have been here with us to celebrate this moment, and to whom the concert is dedicated. A special event of great music, dedicated to peace, to solidarity between peoples and against all the violence and conflicts that are tearing the world apart."

The event was presented this morning by the Councilor for Culture Marta Ugolini together with Giampaolo Rizzetto artistic director Musica Viva. Present for Living Music also the president Daniela Dada Benedini and the vice president Almiro Comucci. Again, for AGbD Down Syndrome Association onlus Alberto Maculan and acting voice in the concert Mauro Dal Fior.

“Cries of freedom, splinters of war”. The event, divided into two different evenings - the first focused onEurope and South Africa, and the second projected on the Americas and England –, traces a river of songs (some that have entered the collective imagination, others less known) in his multiple branches which can be summarized in many specific topics: marches for civil rights; homophobia and racism; social injustices; riots in ghettos and universities; revolutionary dreams and utopias; horrors in the concentration camps, gulags and Apartheid cells; deserters-heroes and soldiers in the mud; nuclear rains and ruined cities.

All told by video as a commentary, by a narrative voice that succinctly introduces the various “windows”, and by a patrol of over forty well-known Veronese musicians, who will be joined in the first evening as guests by the quartet of Tony Pagliuca (ex Orme) and in the second a reading set on a series of famous aphorisms for peace vs war, recited by the actress Margherita Sciarretta and commented on with music by Marco Pasetto on the piano.

“For organizational and planning reasons, a personal, at times difficult, choice was made of the pieces to perform - has explained Giampaolo Rizzetto –. In fact, there are hundreds of 'topical songs' referring to racial discrimination, to the fights for freedom and civil rights, to the revolts in ghettos and universities, to the violence in concentration camps, to the conflicts that have exploded around the world. It was therefore decided to bring to the stage an organic 'songbook' as coherent as possible with the title of the event, and to show some prestigious icons of "popular music" on the screen. A personal and tiring mosaic, but which will hopefully find favor with the public and will also be appreciated by the poet-surgeon Claudio Bifo Bassi, given that the concert is dedicated to his memory. Finally, a hint of pride on the part of the organizational staff cannot be overlooked. Leaving aside the past, music and festivals as soundtracks of the movements of the late Sixties and Seventies for peace and against wars, it is the first time in Italy, since the Ukrainian conflict broke out - in February 2022 -, followed from other 'flames' in so many places on the planet, that a large group of artists and musicians mobilizes and takes to the stage. With fair pride, therefore, we can say that for two evenings Verona takes on the role of musical capital and civil spokesperson for peace against all wars".

“I thank Musica Viva who has been collaborating with us for years and we are very proud and happy because we also have the opportunity to bring our kids to concerts - he has declared Alberto Maculan –. I also extend my thanks to the Municipality of Verona which supports us not only on these projects but also by hosting us in the building where we carry out our business, which celebrates its forty years next year. A great achievement for the AGBD association, which deals with Down syndrome, both for minors with all the therapies to make them grow in the best possible way, and for adults by involving them in autonomy, in trying to bring them to an independent life as much as possible similar to any other child and any other adult”.


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