Abbadia di Fiastra: STORIES, TALES & TRADITIONS FROM THE VILLAGES IN FESTIVAL, the third edition presented

The third edition of the festival of the Marche villages was presented in Abbadia di Fiastra.

Abbadia di Fiastra: STORIES, TALES & TRADITIONS FROM THE VILLAGES IN FESTIVAL, the third edition presented.

From the 1 17 2023 September The villages of the Marche region come back to life, precious treasure chests of traditions, stories and legends. Thanks to a call prepared by the Marche Region, there are 32 projects, involving 51 Municipalities and 8 networks in the third edition of the Festival. The initiative, presented today in Abbadia di Fiastra, is supported by the Marche Region and strongly desired by the Regional Councilor for Culture, managed and promoted by the Marche Cultura Foundation and AMAT – Marche Association of Theatrical Activities.

MARCHESTORIES it is the Festival that tells the story of the Region through its peculiarities, its traditions and its legends, involving the entire Marche region, from the sea to the mountains. The intent is to make known the ancient villages, the medieval fortresses, the splendid squares and the numerous churches, to rediscover the collective imagination of the Marche made up of narratives and traditions, myths and legends, devotional aspects and popular beliefs, but also to let people taste the typical dishes, following the plots of knowledge that becomes entertainment and entertainment.

The main objectives are the relaunch of the immense heritage made up of the villages with a view to deseasonalizing the tourist offer with the consequent positive effects on all related activities, the valorisation of the villages and the heritage made up of the stories and therefore the intangible reality of the places which fill them with meaning to preserve the memory and identity of the Region.

From 1st to 17th September, for three consecutive weekends from Friday to Sunday, between 18pm and midnight, tourists and visitors will be able to explore the small towns in the Marche region of the earthquake crater, the Apennine ridge and the coast where they will find a continuous offer of events, with at least one performance per day for a total of 24 shows, which will be accompanied by the opening of places of culture in the Marche: churches and historic buildings, theatres, libraries, museums and collections but also shops and restaurants. Also planned are guided tours, exhibitions, historical re-enactments in costume, demonstrations, tastings of typical products, food and wine events and craft markets.

“From the stories and traditions of MArCHESTORIE emerges the fascinating cultural and identity heritage of our land. As in a plot, you can see between the lines of the narrative that thin thread that creates a bond of closeness between the many, many villages of the Marche, and draws a picture on which the great unitary value of the Marche tradition is imprinted. This tradition is our added value that we intend to promote and make known beyond regional borders, contributing to the construction of a broad, articulated and seasonally adjusted tourist offer. The stories of our villages ideally extend their hand to those who have the curiosity to discover what is most hidden and genuine, to thus fully live a complete experience of all the Marche" comments the President of the Region Francis Acquaroli.

“The idea at the center of MARCHESTORIE is to enhance the villages and internal areas. Through the story and the different forms of expression we manage to compose a single large fresco capable of representing the peculiarities of our Marche. The public success of the first two editions, the participation of the Municipalities, which is confirmed again this year, demonstrate that this approach works. They also tell us that the double aim of attracting tourists and consolidating knowledge of our identity so that we ourselves become promoters of what we are is widely shared" states the Honorable Giorgia Latini, vice president of the VII Culture, Science and Education Commission.

“The MArCHESTORIE Festival confirms itself as an event that contributes to highlighting the enormous heritage of the Marche tradition from many aspects: historical, artistic, food and wine. From culture comes wealth and opportunities for development and growth for the many municipalities in our territory. This is also why the law on the villages was born; an initiative of great importance that gives new life and new light to our beautiful locations distributed from the coast to the hinterland. The success of MArCHESTORIE, which also continues the challenge launched to strengthen networks in the cultural field, confirms the goodness and foresight of the idea behind the event" he explains Chiara Biondi, regional councilor for culture.

“What makes a place unique and recognisable? What fills it with meaning and consequently leads us to choose it? His experience, the history, the suggestions and the legends that animate him. I believe this is the intuition that led to the Festival MARCHESTORIES an exhibition that invites visitors to discover the heritage of the Marche not only from the point of view of its beauties, but to learn about its charm and immerse themselves in a heritage of folk tales and traditions of which our region is very rich. During the Festival you will be able to get to know the most authentic Marche through a comprehensive program that will visit suggestive villages in all the provinces, ranging between the coast and the mountains. We believe in this event which perfectly marries the mission of the Marche Cultura Foundation, aimed at enhancing the beauty, peculiarities and talents of our land" he says Andrea Agostini, president of the Marche Cultura Foundation.

This year MARCHESTORIES avails itself of the collaboration of the Marche Chamber of Commerce through a Memorandum of Understanding, signed with the president Gino Sabatini, to enhance local products.

The next appointment with MArCHESTORIE, which sees the artistic direction of Paolo Notari, is set for Wednesday 26 July in Piazza della Libertà in front of the Rotonda a Mare in Senigallia at 21pm with MArCHESTORIE SHOW – Waiting for the Festival, hosted by Alvin Crescini. The villages will tell the stories that will be staged in September for the third edition of the Festival.

In the 1st weekend of the Festival, from Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd September, the scheduled events will be:

ASCOLI PICENO / CASTEL TROSINO – The queen, the knight, the arms and love; CANTIANO – Maledicto Arnese de Guerra; CIVITANOVA MARCHE / CIVITANOVA ALTA – Civitarcana. Mystery and legends in Civitanova Alta; ESANATOGLIA and VALFORNACE – From Varano: princes, merchants, mercenaries, saints and patrons in central Italy; FERMO / TORRE DI PALME – The Piceni: from the ancient Palma to the new Borgo; MONTEDINOVE – The Romanticism of the Sibillini against all wars; MONTEMONACO – The Guerin Meschino and the Sibyl; MUCCIA – Muzio the left-handed; PORTO SAN GIORGIO – Rocca Tiepolo. Treasure chest and fortress of the history of San Giorgio; SASSOFERRATO – Between Borgo and Castello… Sassoferrato n'duello; VISSO – The sacred mountain; SERVIGLIANO, BELMONTE PICENO, MONTELEONE DI FERMO, SMERILLO – Traces from underground.

In the 2st weekend of the Festival, from Friday 8st to Sunday 10rd September, the scheduled events will be:

ACQUALAGNA – The way home; APPIGNANO – The night of Bellente; CASTELRAIMONDO – Historie de lo Castrum Raimondi; CINGOLI – The nameless queen; CUPRA MARITTIMA – The Captain and the Witch; CAMERINO and GAGLIOLE – From Varano: princes, merchants, mercenaries, saints and patrons in central Italy; FIASTRA – The sacred mountain; FORCE, VENAROTTA and PALMIANO – The Coast of Troubles. The dark side of Piceno; GUALDO – Gualdo…what a show! Dreams that come true; MATELICA – Boldrino Captain of Venture; MONTEFORTINO – Guerin Meschino and the Sibilla; MONTEPRANDONE – Intra moenia. From Cavalier Prandone to a community show; POTENZA PICENA – Aka Montesanto: the old school. In the footsteps of Professor Giuseppe Asciutti; ROTELLA – The Romanticism of the Sibillini against all wars; SIROLO – Sirolo is still the sea.

In the 3st weekend of the Festival, from Friday 15st to Sunday 17rd September, the scheduled events will be:

AMANDOLA – The Romanticism of the Sibillini against all wars; CERRETO D'ESI – From Varano: princes, merchants, mercenaries, saints and patrons in central Italy; FALCONARA MARITTIMA – The ancient castle; GENGA – Infra Saxa; MONTALTO DELLE MARCHE, MONTE RINALDO, MONTE SAN MARTINO – Stories of disappeared castles; MONTECOSARO – The sacred mountain; MONTEGALLO – Guerin Meschino and the Sibilla; MONTE VIDON COMBATTE, MONTOTTONE, ORTEZZANO – The Farfa people between lords and poor men; SAN GINESIO – Awakenings. Della Fornarina and other Sangiano resiliencies; SAN LORENZO IN CAMPO – Soul; SAN SEVERINO MARCHE – From the destruction of Civitella to the foundation of the castle of Serralta; SARNANO – Rinaldo the Great. The will; SENIGALLIA – A cleric to save the ducal court.

Abbadia di Fiastra: MArCHESTORIE, RACCONTI & TRADIZIONI DAI BORGHI IN FESTA, ­Presentata la III Edizione.

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