
Ferrara: “BaskInFe”, first autumn tournament with inclusive basketball triangular

It was held today, Saturday 28 September at 14.45 pm at the Coletta Park in Ferrara, organized by the Municipality of Ferrara with the Italian Inclusive Sports Agency.

Ferrara: “BaskInFe”, first autumn tournament with inclusive basketball triangular

First autumn tournament of Baskin (inclusive basketball), scheduled for this afternoon, Saturday 28 September 2024 at Coletta Park (between Viale Cavour and Viale della Costituzione, Ferrara). In case of bad weather the event would have taken place in the Barco gym (Via Battara 47, Ferrara). The Sports Councillor was present at the opening of the event Francis Charity.

The initiative was presented to the press this morning, Thursday 26 September, in the Arengo Hall of the municipal residence. The following spoke at the meeting with journalists: the Sports Councillor Francis Charity; the Regional delegate Eisi-Italian inclusive sports organization Daniela Totero; the coordinator of the Baskin discipline in Emilia Romagna, head of the Referees of the Region and National Councilor Eisi Daniel Lolli; the contact person for Veni Baskin in San Pietro in Casale Andrea Cavallini.

Ferrara: "BaskInFe", primo torneo autunnale con Triangolare di basket inclusivo

“Competitiveness and inclusion are the main ingredients of this discipline – underlined the Sports Councillor Francis Charity – obviously together with fun, a certain amount of competitive spirit and constant training. It is a competitive and sporting experience of great human value, which today the citizens of Ferrara can appreciate on the field with this tournament. The project of promotion and diffusion of baskin that I want to carry forward in Ferrara as an Administration marks today an important stage with the BaskINFe event. The organization of the event was possible thanks to the precious synergy that was created between the EISI and the UO Sport of the Municipality: we want baskin to enter more and more into the gyms of Ferrara”.

Ferrara: "BaskInFe", primo torneo autunnale con Triangolare di basket inclusivo


On Saturday 28 September 2024, at the Coletta Park in Ferrara (in case of bad weather in the Barco gym in via Battara 47), the “BaskINFe – Baskin Triangular in Ferrara“, organized by the Sports Office of the Municipality of Ferrara in collaboration with EISI (Italian Inclusive Sports Agency) Emilia Romagna.

The teams have taken to the field by 15, after the greetings of the authorities held for the 14.45.

The event involved three teams who will participate in the 2024/25 regional championship: in addition to the hosts of SBF Ferrara Veni San Pietro in Casale and MediBaskin of Medicina who will compete in 3 matches (the end is expected in the late afternoon).

For the citizens of Ferrara it is an opportunity to experience an afternoon of inclusion, sport and fun. During the tournament there will be a moment of promotion of sport open to all: it will be an opportunity to talk about baskin, explain the rules and the values ​​on which it is based, and carry out a real training session with the support of the teams involved.

Ferrara: "BaskInFe", primo torneo autunnale con Triangolare di basket inclusivo


Baskin (Inclusive Basketball) is a sport inspired by basketball in which people with and without disabilities, males and females, play together, highlighting the concept of inclusion: in Baskin there are no limitations and, based on the rules, all people can (indeed must) take to the field and are essential to the success, even competitive, of the competitions. Baskin was born in Cremona in 2006, from an idea of Antonio Bodini and Fausto Cappellini, and has seen structural growth over the years both nationally and internationally, leading, in 2019, to give shape to EISI (Ente Italiano Sport Inclusivi), the first Italian body specifically for sports for all, people with and without disabilities.

Il Emilia Romagna Regional Championship 2024/25 will see the participation of 15 teams (two more than last year) and 12 companies located between Reggio Emilia and Santarcangelo di Romagna, which will give life to two exciting groups touching the entire regional territory.

Ferrara: "BaskInFe", primo torneo autunnale con Triangolare di basket inclusivo

“Baskin in Emilia Romagna is evolving year after year – he said Daniela Totero, regional delegate EISI Emilia Romagna – and participation in the championship is increasingly numerous; in mid-November we will start the new sports season with two new realities.
I am grateful for all the work done by the Societies that dedicate themselves to these inclusive disciplines. BaskINFe is a demonstration of the harmony of our group in Emilia Romagna, born in 2009/2010 right in Ferrara thanks to the initiative of the pedagogist teacher Angela Magnanini, during the university lessons of Motor Sciences: the first ASD of Integrated Sports was born, of which I was a member, and which contributed to training the first athletes, some of them today coaches of the Baskin SBF group.
It is always exciting to show this inclusive experience to the citizens of Ferrara and I am honored by the opportunity that the Councilor for Sport, Francesco Carità, has given us with the BaskINFe event. One of our goals is to make baskin more and more known, but as EISI we also promote other sports such as inclusive bocce, inclusive gymnastics, inclusive ball football and much more”.

Ferrara: "BaskInFe", primo torneo autunnale con Triangolare di basket inclusivo

“BaskInFe is an important event for us – he declared Daniel Lolli, Coordinator of the Emilia Romagna Territorial Section – also in view of possible future collaborations with the institutions. The 15-team championship is ready to start, promising a season full of emotions, competition and above all, inclusion.
"The teams will prepare with intense training and strategies to best face each match. With the playoffs and the Final 4 on the horizon, the anticipation is growing among the fans, anxious to see who will emerge as the favorite for the title: in addition to that of regional champion, there is access to the interregional phase and then to the national finals of the Coppa Italia at stake for the best of the 'new proposals'".

“We enthusiastically accepted the administration's proposal to participate, with our team, in the BaskInFe triangular tournament that will be held at Parco Coletta”, he stated Stephen Calderoni, President of SBF. “Promoting this sport allows us to demonstrate how sports disciplines must be, above all else, a place of integration and sociality. In fact, baskin sees teams made up of boys and girls, with and without disabilities, who, above all else, take to the field to have fun.”

For information and further details: UO Sport of the Municipality of Ferrara tel. 0532 419169, Giacomo Bianchi EISI press office cell. 3927409787.

Ferrara: "BaskInFe", primo torneo autunnale con Triangolare di basket inclusivo



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