
Erasmus Day 2024, also starting in Modena

Starting today, Monday 14 October, the promotional initiatives of the program that allows hundreds of students and teachers from Modena to have school experiences abroad.

Erasmus Day 2024, also starting in Modena

There are hundreds of students and teachers from Modena's high schools who every year gain experience abroad thanks to the program Erasmus+ (plus), just as there are many schools in Modena, there are also several comprehensive institutes (with elementary and middle schools) that host students and teachers from other countries in the context of projects that range across different themes: from environmental sustainability to information and communication technologies, from multiculturalism, including linguistic, to the promotion of young people's participation in democratic life, up to history, art and culture.

The sections dedicated to the narration of their experiences, the results achieved and the presentation of the opportunities offered by the programme are: Erasmus days 2024 which from today, Monday 14 October, are also proposing in Modena, as in all of Europe, events to promote activities dedicated to European and global citizenship, to the dissemination of skills for the construction of a European education space with the slogan "Six days to make Europe shine“. And for the Olympic year the EU has also used a second slogan: “Ready, steady go!“. That is. “Ready, set, go!” to evoke the emotion of sports competitions, but also that which accompanies the departure towards new experiences thanks to the Erasmus + program.

Erasmus Day 2024, al via anche a Modena

The Modena events are organised together with the Europe Direct Center Modena (www.comune.modena.it/europe-direct) which promotes the participation of schools in the Erasmus + programme with the service “School Helpdesk” accompanying teachers and staff in the construction of projects eligible for European funding, in welcoming foreign delegations (as many as 23 from 2021 to today) and hosting training meetings in the Galleria Europa (12, with 153 participants).

From 2021 to today they have been over 1.500 students and teachers who have had mobility experiences abroad and there are around ten schools that have achieved accreditation, after having participated in short mobility projects or international partnerships.

Erasmus Days programme opens today Monday October 14, 15.15, with the Venturi Institute presenting in Europe Gallery the experiences developed abroad in recent years (80 students, 43 between teachers, managers and ATA staff), between Spain, France, Finland, Malta and Belgium.

Erasmus Day 2024, al via anche a Modena

Tuesday October 15, by 9, always in Europe Gallery, two workshops on global citizenship (including sustainability and climate justice) are planned for primary and middle school classes.

Friday 14th October it's the turn of the Muratori San Carlo high school which hosts in its headquarters in via Cittadella, by 9.15, the initiative “Erasmus + Day at the fair” for the promotion of good practices and the exchange of experiences with already 111 registered teachers from different schools in the region. The initiative, in fact, is carried out in collaboration with the Erasmus + School Ambassadors of the Regional School Office to support training, promotion and orientation activities on the program.

From 2021 to today I am 235 students of the Muratori San Carlo high school, and 95 teachers, who have participated in activities abroad (from Germany to France, from Spain to Portugal, up to Iceland) and 180 people who have been welcomed from abroad.

Erasmus Day 2024, al via anche a Modena

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