Ecomuseum, new guide and visits for Small Museums Day

An afternoon of events to promote awareness of the village.

Ecomuseum, new guide and visits for Small Museums Day.

Macerata, on the occasion of 6th National Day of Small Museums promoted byNational Association of Small Museums,Villa Ficana Ecomuseum organize for tomorrow, Sunday September 17, an afternoon of events to promote knowledge of the village, its history and traditions the Ecomuseum project has been ongoing since 2016.

The program provides guided tour at 17pm, lasting about an hour and a half, during which the stories of the inhabitants which in different ways have played a role in local history and which are part of the historical heritage of the village. This is a new visit experience created for the occasion.

The afternoon will continue to 18.30 with the presentation of the guideEcomuseum, created in collaboration with the Municipality of Macerata which will be distributed to those who participate in the day of celebration.

The evening will end with “Lu voccò della vergara”: savory, bread and wine to toast together with Small welcoming museums.

Free admission. Reservation recommended on 0733 470761 or email

“National Small Museums Day is our celebration, and is expressed with a gesture of welcome towards visitors: a gift built for the occasion. On this day we meet our visitors with the awareness of the important role that Small Museums have in building the future of our communities and our territories. Small museums are the gateway to the territory, because what a small museum can offer while thinking about its own land manages to amaze not only temporary citizens, guests, but also those who know its territory well".

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