City of Macerata in Festa – II edition: the complete program presented.
The president of the municipal council Francesco Luciani, together with the councilors Laura Laviano, Riccardo Sacchi and Andrea Marchiori, presented today the complete program of Macerata City in Celebration - II Edition which will take place in the city on Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 June.
Within the event, which includes over ten events, the institutional ceremony of the signing of the twinning pact between the cities of Macerata and Lanciano will also take place - scheduled for Saturday 3 June, at 10 am, in the courtyard of the Palazzo Buonaccorsi - in the presence of the mayors Sandro Parcaroli and Filippo Paolini and the presidents of the respective municipal councils Francesco Luciani and Gemma Sciarretta.
President Luciani opened the speeches by retracing the process that led to the twinning pact between the two cities, thanking the mayors Paolini and Parcaroli. “The objective of the Administration is to strengthen dialogue between citizens with the aim of encouraging the emergence of active and participatory citizenship also with other municipalities and cities – he explained -.
Macerata and Lanciano have positively welcomed the desire to enhance and encourage an exchange of experiences under trade fair, cultural, religious and traditional aspects. Macerata recently celebrated the 70th anniversary of the consecration of the city to the Madonna della Misericordia while in Lanciano the first Eucharistic miracle that the Catholic Church remembers occurred.
For Lanciano, as for Macerata, the consecration to Mary has contributed over the centuries to consolidating the Christian values of the two cities". Added to this is “the trade fair vocation given that the National Agricultural Fair takes place every year in Lanciano and Macerata has boasted the Agricultural Review of Central Italy (RACI) for 35 years – continued Luciani -. And then again the patronal festivals: the Sant'Egidio Fair and the San Giuliano Festival. The first is also called the toy festival since street vendors sell small artefacts intended for children while in San Giuliano there is always a stall selling terracotta whistles. Finally, the fact that the two civic music schools, the Scodanibbio of Macerata and the Fenaroli of Lanciano have signed a collaboration pact".
The program of Città di Macerata in Festa – II Edition includes concerts by the two civic schools, nineteenth-century dances, the music of the bands in Sforzacosta, Piediripa and Villa Potenza, the Master Jury show with flag-wavers, the fashion show, the Marian exhibition, the concert of the Orchestra Fiati Insieme per gli Altri as well as the exchange of pennants between the Pro loco of Macerata and Lanciano and musical, folkloristic and food and wine moments.
The events also include the Macerata Aperitif "which we created last year, in collaboration with Tipicità, and which has the aim of helping our operators grow in terms of hospitality and promoting the local products of the area which have great potential – added Laviano -. The ten locals who took part in the initiative will also be offered an afternoon of training to improve the hospitality aspect".
“We are going to experience a popular celebration – continued Sacchi – characterized by tradition, music and food and wine and which brings the whole city together with a view to the twinning which we hope will be fruitful from the point of view of the many collaborations. As the Sports Department, on 4 June, on the occasion of National Sports Day, we will experience a moment of inclusion and aggregation at the Elia Longarini field in Villa Potenza where girls and boys from six sports associations in the city will gather to make their activities known ”.
In conclusion, after unanimous thanks to the president of the municipal council Francesco Luciani, to all the protagonists of the event and to all the municipal offices that collaborated in the creation of the second edition of Città di Macerata in Festa, councilor Marchiori underlined that the city is preparing to experience "an event which, after last year's success, we have decided to expand and innovate, giving the event added value with new and diversified events involving many locations and many local realities".
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