Citadel Park (Ancona). 1st Family Festival 17-18-19 May.
The project aims to put the family at the center as the founding nucleus of society.
Citadel Park (Ancona). 1st Family Festival 17-18-19 May.
On the occasion of the International Family Day, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly and scheduled for May 15, for the first time an event is being organised in Ancona, on the initiative of the municipal department for the Family, the FAMILY FESTIVAL, which will be held at the Cittadella Park on 17-18-19 May. The project – illustrated by the General Secretary Giovanni Montaccini – wants to put the family at the center as the founding nucleus of society, as reported in article 29 of the Constitution and in accordance with the choice of the United Nations to dedicate an international anniversary to it. “That the administrations actively engage with local associations to enhance this institute - stressed – means translating into concrete facts what was formulated by the founding fathers, it means effectively valorising the family".
The three-day program in the setting of the park most loved by families is rich and varied, with multiple gaming, sports, entertainment initiatives and a series of meetings organized with associations. A party for children and adults, to be enjoyed together.
The Festival will begin on Friday 17 May at 16pm at the Cittadella Park which will remain open to the public with a large layout of play, sports, dance and creativity spaces. Workshops and entertainment with various entities such as Associations, Onlus, Playrooms, Parishes, animation groups, gyms and clubs of Ancona. The entire Park will be filled with fun and interesting moments for children and families. The Associations will meet with their projects, such as Un Battito di Ali (Association in support of children with heart disease), La Fondazione Salesi, La Strada di Erm, Le Patronesse, and other entities. The Papa Giovanni XXIII Center will be present with the Charity Lottery, the Reuse Association with the collection of used things, and the Magician, the games and the Poni with the Maneggio della Cittadella could not be missed. On Saturday 18th at 16.00 pm the Festival will start with all the entertainment, sports, etc. spaces. At 17.00 pm Forum of Family Associations and report by Prof.. Lorenzo Lattanzi President Aiart Marche, regarding the relationship between young people and social media; from 19.00 pm the refreshment point will be operational waiting for the start of the concert with the Jeeg Robot Cover Band Cartoon for all children and beyond.
And to conclude this first Festival in style, On Sunday 19 May from 16.00 pm the Park will come to life in an entirely Risorgimento atmosphere together with the Quam Pulchra Es Association and the Academy of Hoplology and Militaria with Historical Walks, Re-enactments and games of a bygone era and also together with the Parish of the Salesians with games and entertainment. Finally at 18.00 pm the Historical Dresses Parade.
Friday 17 May
Pm at 16.00 19.00
The park, open to the public, will host: Play Spaces, Sports Spaces, Animation, Creative and Interactive Workshops, Magic and Balloons with the Magician, Charity Lottery with the Papa Giovanni Center
Saturday May 18
At 17.00 Forum of the Marche Family Associations and meeting with Prof. Lorenzo Lattanzi (President of Aiart Marche)
Pm at 16.00 19.00 Recreational spaces with the Babbagajo, La Strada di Erm Association, Sports spaces (Orienteering, tennis, Basketball etc.) Animation with dance schools, Creative and interactive workshops together with: Salesi Foundation, Patronesse, Circolo Arti e Mestieri, Battito d'Ali , Oasis of Paradise, Poni Space with walk
Pm at 20.30 22.00 Jeeg Robot Cover Band Cartoon
External Refreshment Point with Soft and Crunchy
Sunday May 19
Pm at 16.00 18.00
Together with the Academy of Hoplology and Militaria and the Quam Pulchra Association Es. Workshops for adults and children, Readings of fairy tales aloud, Set-ups with period games, Military camp and teaching, Historical dance workshop, We write and draw the nature tavern with the pastimes of the people
16,30 First group e 17.15 hours Second group
Itinerant walk inside the park with historical reenactors who will tell stories and curiosities that happened in Ancona during the Risorgimento period. During the route the public will meet characters from the past intent on their activities of pleasure and leisure.
Catwalk of historical civilian and military clothing to discover curiosities and anecdotes about the fashions of the time.
The list of associations that have joined the Festival is truly long: Salesian Patronesses Association, Un Battito di Ali Association in support of children with heart disease, Salesian Foundation, La Strada di Erm, Aria Onlus Association, Reuse Center Association, Salesian Parish, Oasis of Paradise, Ragazzi Oltre Association, Papa Giovanni XXIII Onlus Center Ancona, Babbagajo Association, Oplology and Military Academy, Quam Pulchra Es Association, Essere Felici Association, City Angels Association, Il Piccolo Principe Onlus Cooperative, AS Forum of Family Associations of the Marche with the Acli Associations, Moica, Aiart, Papa Giovanni XXIII, Dentro il Sorriso Onlus, Maneggio della Cittadella, Unicef Ancona, Extreme Palestra Ancona, GDM Italiana Ancona, ASD Taekwondo Olympic Ancona, CAB Stamura Basket, Orienteering, Witches Crew Dance School, Wild Angels School of Country, Il Mago Claudio Cats, Jeeg Robots Cartoon Cover Band.
"Unicef – explained the president of the Provincial Committee prof. Paola Guidi – will be present with information stands and with the workshops for the creation of the universal Uniceg doll, the pigotta. The Salesian volunteers will support the historical reenactment with games dear to Don Bosco, celebrating the 125th anniversary of the congregation named after the saint in Ancona. Same celebration – recalled president Milena Fiore – for the Patronesse Association, founders of the Salesi Children's Hospital and always alongside the little patients of the hospital. The association Ère Felici of Monica Picciafuoco will be busy with workshops and recreational activities, the Oplological and Military Academy and also the Quam Pulchra Es association will organize historical re-enactments and dances in period costume, as well as readings of fairy tales and board games . For her part, the Papa Giovanni XXII association will take care of small workshops dedicated in particular to recycling".
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