Citadel of Archives and Milanosport, the widespread exhibition “Fifty years of free time in Milano. 1930-1980”

The inauguration of the first of three exhibitions will take place on October 6th at the Cittadella degli Archivi, followed by those at the Piscina Cozzi and the Velodromo Vigorelli on October 7th.

Citadel of Archives and Milanosport, the widespread exhibition “Fifty years of free time in Milano. 1930-1980”

Is titled "Fifty years of free time at Milano. 1930-1980"(click here for the site) the widespread exhibition of Cittadella degli Archivi and Milano Sport SDD SpA, in collaboration with the Department of Architecture, Construction Engineering and Built Environment of the Polytechnic and with the patronage of the FAI.

The exhibition, which will be set up in three buildings, Citadel of Archives, Cozzi Swimming Pool, Vigorelli Velodrome, tells the story of the Milanese community in its relationship with entertainment, sport and free time in three significant places for the city, through hundreds of images and documents - almost entirely unpublished - preserved in the archives of the Municipality of Milano.

The exhibitions also celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Cozzi Pool, inaugurated in 1934 and the flagship among the sports facilities managed by MilanoSSD SpA sports

Cittadella degli Archivi e Milanosport, presentata la mostra diffusa "Cinquant'anni di tempo libero a Milano. 1930-1980"

The documents on display come mainly from the photographic collection of the former Department of Sport, Tourism and Gardens: 5 thousand photographs subjected to a long process of reorganisation, conditioning and inventorying, carried out thanks to the work of the students, both male and female who have completed a university internship at the headquarters in via Gregorovius. With their commitment they have allowed for the correct conservation of the papers, encouraging their use by the community. Unpublished and beautiful photographs, which in these exhibitions find a first and right valorization, also thanks to the precious scientific curatorship of the Polytechnic of Milano ABC Department.

Produced with the aim of documenting the activity of the relevant departments – from the construction of new sports facilities to the renovation of existing ones, to the organisation of sporting and cultural events – the images mainly cover a time span ranging from between the 1950s and 1960s of the 20th century, with antecedents dating back in the twenties and thirties up to the point of reaching seventies and eighties.

Cittadella degli Archivi e Milanosport, presentata la mostra diffusa "Cinquant'anni di tempo libero a Milano. 1930-1980"

We start from the 1930s, when sport began Milano played a fundamental role – the era in which the most important sports and recreational facilities were built – and we arrive at the 1980s of the famous “Milano to drink”, an expression coined to indicate the light-heartedness of a city emerging from the dark years of lead, with a fascinating insight into the Great Ambrosian Carnivals of the late 800th century.

The documentation comes mainly from photojournalistic agencies Public photo e Farabola, but also by professional photographers such as Celsus Battia, Dario Cats e Vincenzo Aragozzini.

Cittadella degli Archivi e Milanosport, presentata la mostra diffusa "Cinquant'anni di tempo libero a Milano. 1930-1980"

Of considerable historical and cultural importance and of exceptional social and anthropological rarity, the photographic collection is a unique testimony of the extraordinary transformations that Milano suffered from the years of dictatorship to the years of paninari and fast food, told through the images of faces, demonstrations and places of sport, culture and leisure.

“The opening of this widespread exhibition – says the Councillor for Civic and General Services of the Municipality of Milano – was possible thanks to the work of reorganizing thousands of photographs, almost entirely unpublished by the citizens. A result that highlights once again the importance of archives, which represent a privileged tool for telling the story of the past. This splendid photographic material, in fact, takes us back to the 1930s, when against the backdrop of the fascist dictatorship the first sports and recreational facilities were built in the city, up to the 1980s of the famous Milano to drink. The archives represent a common good, which must be protected and revived because it has the capacity to strengthen the sense of a community. The investments that the Municipality of Milano we are building at the archive center in via Gregorovius, which in the next few years will be transformed into an essential place for the entire metropolitan area of Milano in the archival field. And therefore a fundamental hub for a real territorial network of Archives”.

Cittadella degli Archivi e Milanosport, presentata la mostra diffusa "Cinquant'anni di tempo libero a Milano. 1930-1980"

“I really wanted to create this exhibition that would celebrate first and foremost the sport and recreation of fifty years of Milanese history – he adds Lorenzo Lamperti, president and general manager of Milanosport SDD Spa –. Secondly, to give due recognition to the Cozzi Pool, a historical and cultural heritage for all the citizens of Milan who over the years have gone to this facility to carry out various swimming activities and which this year celebrates its ninetieth birthday. Over the years, the pool has become a symbol of the city not only for its sporting and recreational function but also for its structural and architectural beauty, an emblem of a bygone era but still profoundly current. I would like to thank our fellow adventurers in the realization of this precious project: Cittadella degli Archivi and the Politecnico di Milano, who have dedicated themselves with commitment and meticulousness to the research of the materials present in the exhibition”.

The inauguration of the exhibition at the Citadel of Archivesin Via Gregorovius 15, Will be held Sunday, October 6 pm 18, those at the Cozzi swimming pool and the Vigorelli Velodromein viale Tunisia 35, Monday October 7 pm 18.

Cittadella degli Archivi e Milanosport, presentata la mostra diffusa "Cinquant'anni di tempo libero a Milano. 1930-1980"

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