Carrara: Con-vivere Carrara Festival, 2023 edition dedicated to the theme "humanity"
The edition dedicated to the theme of humanity
Carrara: Con-vivere Carrara Festival, 2023 edition dedicated to the theme "humanity".
It will be dedicated to theme of humanity the 2023 edition of Con-vivere Carrara Festival. The event, which takes place from 7 to 10 September in Carrara and is promoted by Carrara Savings Bank Foundation, was founded and edited for fourteen editions by Remo Bodei and each year made use of the collaboration of a scientific consultant, chosen on the basis of the theme: Chiara Saraceno curated the "rights" edition, Telmo Pievani the 2021 program dedicated to " cure”, Maurizio Ferraris the 2022 edition on “traces”.
“The festival is now a tradition for the city of Carrara and for the entire province – said regional councilor Giacomo Bugliani – one of the most important for the development of culture and thought. The horizons that Con-vivere has reached are broad and open to foreign experiences as well. Our territory identifies itself with this event which every year manages to touch on very sensitive issues, this year humanity captured in all its nuances also as respect for others".
"Tuscany - added the president of the regional Culture commission Cristina Giachi – confirms itself as a land rich in cultural events rooted in the territories and ready to open up to an increasingly wider audience and community. A heritage of great value that as a regional administration we will continue to support and promote, so that culture is consolidated as an engine of growth and well-being, widespread and accessible to as many people as possible".
This edition will see more than twenty meetings of speech between conferences, dialogues and debates, six shows and over thirty collateral events including cooking workshops, children's space, exhibitions, meetings, themed walks to discover the territory and among the guests there will be Stefano Massini, Alessandro Bergonzoni, Stefano Mancuso, Roberto Cingolani, Maurizio Ferraris, Telmo Pievani, Chiara Saraceno. And then again there music by Tiromancino, Orchestraccia and the talented Frida Bollani Magoni; a tribute event to Bob Dylan it's one show dedicated to the themes of climate change with Elisa Palazzi and Stefano Taddia.
"The theme of this edition of Con-vivere – said Laura Beolla, scientific consultant 2023, -the exhibition runs through daily life, our fears but also our hopes. This will be the common thread of the meetings: how to learn to be human today? We need a grammar of the human to understand what makes us human today in a world where everything is changing."
“It's a rich edition for the 18th anniversary of the festival – added festival director Emanuela Mazzi – with around 70 events and initiatives that will revolve around a key theme for interpreting contemporaneity. The image we chose to represent him refers to the idea of humanity on a journey called to reflect on its future"
Enrico Isoppi, president of the Cassa di Risparmio di Carrara Foundation reiterates that “the festival sets in motion a wide network of supporters and partners from the Municipality of Carrara, to the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara, the North West Tuscany Chamber of Commerce, the Marble Foundation as well as associations, schools and cultural and tourism operators, to whom this "Acri and Lucca Film Festival are added this year, contributing to enriching the programme"
For the speaking meetings, the speakers will each address a topic related to the theme of the festival, for to investigate, through two-voice conferences and dialogues, the border between humanity and inhumanity, the "luoghi” in which today our human beings enter into fibrillation, the experiences through which we can define the contours of life on this planet.
- shows they will offer a rich and varied journey which will also cross multiple musical genres: jazz, opera, popular music and pop music: 7 September with Frida Bollani Magoni, followed by the Fantomatick Orchestra; on September 8th concert "And in a single kiss and embrace all the loving people” organized by the Club “Friends of opera A. Mercuriali"and "A man called Bob Dylan“: written and performed by journalist, writer and musician Ezio Guaitamacchi. The music of the third evening of the festival, September 9th will be full of celebration, popular singing and dancing. The protagonist will be the Orchestraccia, a folk-rock music group inspired by Roman tradition and culture. The closing of the festival will be dedicated on September 10th to the great Italian singer-songwriter music with Tiromancino.
Among the activities interactive features of the program are worth mentioning, in particular the Human library project of the Civic Library "Lodovici"of Carrara,8 September entitled "Rights… it's a long story” (8-9 September). Among the exhibitions, Noocene, curated by Silvia Vannacci.
Lucca Film Festival this year is committed to bringing cinema, in some cities of Tuscany with the “LFF under the stars” project with the support of the North West Tuscany Chamber of Commerce. The partnership with con-vivere will allow us to create a special cinema evening, enriched by the presentation and screening of a selected film, "Tropic of Violence"
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