
Carbonia, city of Foundation: the contest on Instagram to discover the history of rationalist architecture

From November 10 to 30, students in Carbonia can participate in a photo contest on Instagram about the city's monuments, with technological prizes and an immersive experience on its architectural history up for grabs.

Carbonia, city of Foundation: the contest on Instagram to discover the history of rationalist architecture.

The Municipality of Carbonia launches a contest on Instagram dedicated to the students of the city's schools, which we have celebrated 16 years, to rediscover and promote the history of the city of Foundation, celebrating the monuments and iconic buildings of rationalist architecture that characterize its historic center. The initiative is part of a broader communication project that aims to enhance the cultural and architectural heritage of the city, involving new generations in educational and experiential activities.

Who can participate and how to register

To join the contest it will be enough to publish a photo, a video or a reel on Instagram with the hashtag #carboniacittadifondazione and tag @carboniacittafondazione telling in an original way and with a new look the most significant monuments of Carbonia city of Foundation as a symbolic place of rationalist architecture in Italy. Each post must be accompanied by the indication of the institute and class to which it belongs.


The competition starts on November 10, 2024 at 10:30 am and ends on November 2024, 12 at 00:XNUMX pm.


The post that will get the highest number of “likes” (within the terms indicated in this regulation) will be proclaimed the winner of the contest. The second and third place winners will also be awarded. To count the exact number of likes for a post, they must be completely visible on the authors' profiles. Hidden likes or likes from non-public profiles cannot be counted. In the event of a tie in the number of likes received, the post will be evaluated by the judging panel in a final manner.


The first place winner will receive a latest-generation tablet. The second and third place winners will receive an ebook reader for reading books in digital format. The award ceremony will take place on 6 December 2024 during the final conference of the project dedicated to Carbonia Città di Fondazione, where the results of the project and the initiatives of the administration for the enhancement of the rich historical and architectural heritage of the mining center will be presented.

Other events with schools

The program with schools includes other activities that will enrich students in their journey of discovery of the history of the city of Carbonia. The program includes a visit to the multimedia info point dedicated to the city of Fondazione, located at the Manifattura Tabacchi in Cagliari, on November 13 and 14, where students will be able to explore the history and urban evolution of Carbonia through interactive content and immersive technology. Following this, on November 19 and 20, the classes of the primary and secondary schools will immerse themselves in the guided tour of Piazza Roma, the heart of the city, to observe up close the symbolic buildings of rationalist architecture.

Carbonia, città di Fondazione: il contest su Instagram per scoprire la storia dell'architettura razionalista

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