Caltanissetta: “The Dreams of Saint Joseph”, a contemporary sacred art exhibition set up at Palazzo Moncada

The Parish Priest Don Angelo Spilla, in collaboration with the Municipality of Caltanissetta, organizes "The Dreams of Saint Joseph", an exhibition of contemporary sacred art set up within the historic walls of the Civic Gallery of Palazzo Moncada.

Caltanissetta: “The Dreams of Saint Joseph”, an exhibition of contemporary sacred art set up at Palazzo Moncada.

Il Parish Priest Don Angelo Spilla, as part of the celebrations for the centenary of the Parish of San Giuseppe di Caltanissetta and in collaboration with the Municipality of Caltanissetta, the Pro Loco and the Parish Committee, organizes “I sogni di San Giuseppe”, an exhibition of contemporary sacred art set up within the historic walls of the Galleria Civica di Palazzo Moncada.

Caltanissetta organizza "I sogni di San Giuseppe", mostra d'arte sacra contemporanea allestita al Palazzo Moncada

The review, curated by Prof. Atanasio Giuseppe Elia, exhibits the works of 52 artists from all over Italy and draws inspiration from the frescoes of the Palermo painter Tommaso Pollace, who in 1825 decorated the ceiling and walls of the central nave of the Church of San Giuseppe, depicting scenes from the life of the Saint, as well as a majestic painting on canvas.

The title alludes to the four dreams of St. Joseph contained in the Gospel of Matthew, which have often inspired sacred iconography. According to tradition, in fact, the divine plan is revealed through the dream dimension, told in this context through different artistic languages, including paintings, plastic-sculptural, graphic and photographic works.

Through this exhibition project, coordinated by the priest of the Parish of S. Giuseppe Don Angelo Spilla, the intention is to trace a significant path of sacred art thanks to various contemporary artistic presences operating in the Italian territory. The Bishop of the Diocese of Caltanissetta, Monsignor Mario Russotto, will inaugurate the exhibition on Wednesday 16 October at 18:00, in an opening event that will also include speeches by Prof. Atanasio Giuseppe Elia, Don Spilla and Prof. Diego Gulizia, who edited the critical text together with the historian Prof. Luigi Bontà.

The exhibition “I sogni di San Giuseppe” will be open to the public from 17 to 31 October 2024, from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10.00 to 13.00 and in the afternoon from 17.00 to 20.00.

Caltanissetta organizza "I sogni di San Giuseppe", mostra d'arte sacra contemporanea allestita al Palazzo Moncada

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