Caltanissetta, Motors on the Track: the Babbaurra-Caltanissetta Automotive Slalom is back
On November 2 and 3, high-speed challenges will be held in Caltanissetta on the hairpin bends of the SS122, with over 80 drivers and a final award ceremony at Parco Dubini.
Caltanissetta, Motors on the Track: the Babbaurra-Caltanissetta Automotive Slalom is back.
Full throttle appointment on the legendary hairpin bends of Babbaurra with arrival at Dubini Park, which will also host the final awards ceremony. The first weekend of November is all about motors with the “3rd BabbaurraCaltanissetta car slalom”.
The skill competition valid for the Regional Championship takes place on the SS122 for approximately 2,7 km, starting at the gates of San Cataldo and arriving at the Dubini Park in Caltanissetta, crossing the legendary Babbaurra hairpin bends at full speed.
A competition organized by the Nissena company Tempo srl led by Eros Di Prima, well-known rally co-driver and organizer of national series for single-seater cars, now manager of several drivers.
- Slalom Cars are the entry level category of motorsport, very widespread throughout our region, which has a large number of practitioners. A review, the Nissena one, born in 2015 and which in the latest edition welcomed over 80 pilots from all over Sicily, thanks to the centrality of Caltanissetta and the very technical and spectacular route, as well as having welcomed 18 historic cars, an absolute record for this specialty.
The nerve centre of the demonstration itself Dubini Park, where on November 2nd starting from The pre-race technical and sporting checks will be held from 15:00 pm to 19:00 pm, as well as the final awards ceremony the following day. The most anticipated event, in fact, is the one on November 3rd: from 08:30 the reconnaissance is scheduled, after which the real races will begin.
Along the way There are 11 slow-down stations with cones (cones) that the drivers will have to tackle without touching any of them, in addition to 12 Course Marshals' stations all connected via radio, which will represent the eyes on the route of the race director Michele Vecchio from Nisseno.
An event not to be missed for all motor enthusiasts.
Thursday 31 October starting at 10:00, at the Sala Gialla of the Municipality of Caltanissetta, it is
a press conference to present the sporting event is also planned.
"We thank the Municipality of for its willingness and for the financial contribution provided.
Caltanissetta and in particular the mayor Walter Tesauro, the Sports councillor Salvatore Petrantoni and the municipal offices" he has declared the organization, repeating the same thanks for the Municipality of San Cataldo and for the mayor Gioacchino Comparato.
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