
Calabria, Semidei, the docufilm among the five finalists of the Nastri d'Argento

Princi and Grande: "Proud that the bronzes are permanently on national stages"

Calabria, Semidei, the docufilm among the five finalists of the Nastri d'Argento

“The documentary film on the Riace Bronzes Semidei is among the five finalists of the Nastri d'argento award, a national recognition in the sector. This is a work co-financed by the Calabria Region and the Calabria Film Commission. We are proud and proud of this result and we hope all Calabrians are proud."

These are the words of Giusi Princi, vice-president of the Regional Council of Calabria, and Anton Giulio Grande, commissioner of the Calabria Film Commission Foundation, fervently welcoming the news of the entry of Demigods among the five finalists of the 2023 Silver Ribbons, a recognition established by the National Union of Italian Film Journalists.

Selected from the over 130 documentaries proposed in 2023 by the most important festivals or in specialized exhibitions and then shown in theaters or also presented on television networks or platforms, “Demigods”, directed by Fabio Mollo from Reggio and Alessandra Cataleta, earned a place in the top five in the section “Cinema, entertainment, culture”. The final victory will be played with “Enzo Jannacci – I'm coming too” by Giorgio Verdelli, “Io, noi e Gaber” by Riccardo Milani, “Kissing Gorbaciov” by Andrea Paco Mariani and Luigi D'Alife and “Profondo Argento” by Giancarlo Rolandi and Steve Della Casa.

“Co-financing this product was a well-considered choice and today we can say it was largely successful – they also highlight Princi and Grande – results such as that of entry into the five are important findings that reward a Calabria characterized by the bronzes and the history that accompanies half a century of history since their discovery with interviews and unpublished documents, direct testimonies. Through Semidei, the Calabria Region intended to send a very specific message to the world: we are a land with strong identity roots linked to Magna Graecia which characterizes its culture and values ​​of inclusion, integration, cultural relaunch and social redemption. And the production, Palomar, managed perfectly to tell this, with a modern key. Therefore - conclude -, we are very satisfied with the success that the docufilm is enjoying on multiple levels. Today, once again, Calabria wins, the Calabrians win and those who believe in culture as a driver of change and development."

Calabria, Semidei, il docufilm tra le cinquine finaliste dei nastri d'argento

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