Cagliari, XXXVI International Book Fair of Turin: Lingotto Fiere hosts the stand of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia

"The Turin Book Fair - said the Councilor for Culture Ilaria Portas, is the most important Italian event in the publishing field"

Cagliari, XXXVI International Book Fair of Turin: the Lingotto Fiere hosts the stand of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.

The chosen program, in continuity with the general one of the Salon, centered on the thought of the writer Natalia Ginzburg, Imaginary life, is very rich. In the large spaces of the stand of the Sardinia Region, developed on a surface of 120 square meters, there will be 35 initiatives, with the presentation of 27 books published by the Sardinian publishers present, various cultural moments, including those to remember the figures of Michela Murgia, Maria Giacobbe, Gigi Riva and Enrico Atzeni, while every day is scheduled workshops for children on printing techniques and graphic novels. The program also includes two off events in collaboration with schools from other regions because the new feature of the stand is the bridge effect between Sardinia and the Peninsula. New to the XXXVI edition of the Fair are the technical tables organized with teachers, cultural promoters, booksellers and publishers.

«The Turin Book Fair – said the Councilor for Culture Ilaria Portas, is the most important Italian event in the publishing field: a prestigious international festival which allows - from an institutional profile - to achieve important objectives of promoting the island, visibility and inclusion of Sardinian books in the national and foreign markets. Participation in the Fair is, in fact, one of the Region's intervention actions to support Sardinian publishing».

«Despite living in an increasingly digital world, publishing continues to confirm itself as the best tool and vehicle for dissemination - added Ilaria Portas -. The book is the dress of the stories of the world: it tells us about literature, studies and new discoveries, through its various communicative registers and its captivating graphics. It is aimed at adults and children, enthusiasts, scholars and students and finally reaches the entire population. The theme of the 2024 edition, Imaginary Life, is declined for Sardinia with Visiones. In the Sardinia stand we decided to tell the Visiones, or the cultural, literary and sporting imaginary of Sardinia, putting the spotlight on the life, works and deeds of some figures - all recently deceased - who created cultural excitement and vivacity, thus giving prestige to our land in the rest of the world. Michela Murgia, Maria Giacobbe, Gigi Riva and Enrico Atzeni. None of them needs introductions. Because it is not just about writers, scholars and archaeologists or great athletes, but about figures who have stood out in such a gigantic way in their earthly passage, to then leave such a significant mark as to create both a vision for the future and a collective imagination of the Sardinians and around the Sardinians.»

«The legacy left by these figures represents us well on an international level as an island – concluded the regional councilor for culture -. It is also our desire to focus on quality and innovation in the presentation of the works in this 2024 edition».

Councilor Portas was present at the stand of the Sardinia Region on the inaugural day of Thursday 9 May, and the following day, Friday 10 May.

The publishers present at the stand of the Sardinia Region at the XXXVI International Book Fair in Turin are 15: Angelica Editore, Barbaro Edizioni, Giampaolo Cirronis Editore, Condaghes, Edizioni Abbà, GIA Editore, Ischire, L'Universale, Nemapress, NOR, Pettirosso Editore, S'Alvure, Sandhi Editori, UniCAPress, WOM editions. Also present as guests will be: ESI – Independent Sardinian Publishers, Casa Falconieri, Fondazione Cammino Minerario di Santa Barbara, Fondazione Giuseppe Dessì, ISRE – Regional Higher Institute of Ethnography, Scuola Baskerville – Publishing and Writing.

Cagliari, XXXVI Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino: il Lingotto Fiere ospita lo stand della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna

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