Bright-Night 2023: The night of researchers

The event will be held in Arezzo on 28 September and in San Giovanni Valdarno on 29 September.

Bright-Night 2023: The night of researchers.

Arezzo, continue tomorrow 28 September and are scheduled for September 29th in San Giovanni Valdarno the corporate finance sector, including private debt and the direct lending transactions, as well as the issue of bonds, minibonds and other types of financial instruments; Bright-Night, the European Night of Researchers organized by the University of Siena.
In Arezzo the initiatives will be held at Pionta university campus. While in San Giovanni Valdarno Bright-Night will take place in Masaccio and Cavour squares and in the morning itthe Garden of Epicurus (via Bolzano).
Initiatives will be proposed, united by the acronym Bright, “Brilliant Researchers Impact on Growth Health and Trust in Research” (talented researchers impact growth, health and trust in research). The activities will be organized around the general theme "Human beings”, with particular attention to human identity in the contemporary context.

Bright-Night initiatives in Arezzo will be held in preview. After opening with last Tuesday's event dedicated to the future of the human species, the activities continue on September 28th, again at the Pionta University Campus: at 14 pm, in the Theater Hall of the university campus and in the adjacent garden, with “The return of Marco Cavallo. Art, memory, educational projects in the Pionta Park of Arezzo", a meeting between the memory of Marco Cavallo's arrival in Arezzo and the artistic creativity of young people for the future of the Pionta Park.
The experiential workshop will involve young people and students from the Arezzo area, and will be curated and coordinated by artists and art critics. The proposal aims to emphasize the meaning and educational potential of art with a strong communicative impact that uses and preserves the natural support of the environment and architecture. All this under the gaze of Marco Cavallo, the legendary symbol of Basaglia revolution, which will be commemorated in the places of Pionta on the anniversary of his first trip 44 years ago, in which he announced the definitive closure of the Psychiatric Hospital and the opening of the Park to the city. Historic photographs and videos of the construction will be shown Marco Cavallo in 1973 and of his move to Arezzo six years later. The event will open with greetings from the professors Sebastiano Roberto and Carlo Orefice.
Will follow thespeech by Paolo Serra, psychiatrist at the Basaglia Center in Arezzo "Marco Cavallo's arrival in Arezzo in the autumn of 1979“, introduced by Tina Chiarini.
The participatory artistic workshop will then begin “Marco Cavallo in the Pionta Park: from memory to prospects for the future", edited by the Association Baobabs of Arezzo and ISIA Florence. The research group includes professors: Sebastiano Roberto, Francesca Bianchi and Carlo Orefice. The project makes use of the precious collaboration and historical documentation of the Giuliano Scabia Foundation, of the Chille della balanza theater company, of the Franco Basaglia Center of Arezzo. The historical photographs of Marco Cavallo in Arezzo were kindly donated for the occasion by Franco Basaglia Center at the Humanities Library (BAUMA) of Arezzo.
Registrations open at this link.

Arezzo Pionta

A single title, “Creators of tomorrow: sustainable coexistence between Man, Territory and Technologies”, for the set of initiatives that will be held on 29 September in San Giovanni Valdarno, organized by the Geotechnology Center of the University of Siena. From the morning the activities will be characterized by presentation of demonstrations and interactive games for children and teenagers to discover technologies, glottodiversity and the discrimination that often affects some accents, to allow sustainable coexistence between man, territory and social environment. They will be installed stations for carrying out recreational/demonstrative activities which will involve children with cutting-edge technologies and demonstrations of good practice in respecting the environment and linguistic diversity.
The activities are organized by Geotechnology Center of the University of Siena, with the active collaboration ofNational Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, from the National Antarctic Museum (Siena branch), of the Degree Course in Languages ​​for the Intercultural and business communication and members of Erasmus+ CIRCE project (Counteracting accent dIscrimination prActiCes in Education), of work realities similar to the themes of the event and of students and teachers of the Valdarno institutes (Giovanni da San Giovanni high schools, ISIS Valdarno, IIS B. Varchi, IC Marconi).

The morning will be dedicated to students of schools (by reservation), while in the afternoon participation is free for all interested people of all ages, who will be able to browse the stands, ask for clarifications and information and take part in the demonstrations.
The event is sponsored by Municipality of San Giovanni Valdarno and Masaccio Foundation. For information and registration: or call 055 9119449

The complete list of Bright-Night 2023 initiatives is published on the regional website, where possible find the information divided by dates and venue: and

SGiovanni Valdarno

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