Brescia, Peace Festival: the UN's commitment to the Right to Development

Thursday 31 October, a seminar at the University of Brescia to explore the current role of the United Nations and the necessary reforms in a global context in crisis.

Brescia, Peace Festival: the UN's commitment to the Right to Development.

The second themed appointment “The UN's commitment to the right to development”, within the series of meetings “The role of the UN today and the possible reform prospects” organized for Peace Festival 2024, was held on Thursday 31 October at 17pm at the University of Brescia, in the Department of Law in via San Faustino, 41
The training seminar was organized by the University of Brescia – Department of Law, University for Peace, Provincial Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace and International Cooperation.

The meeting is part of a series of four seminars that aim to explore the role of the United Nations and the prospects for reform in light of what has appeared to be, for years now, an evident crisis in the functioning of the UN system.

A need for reflection that also arises later to the latest international events: the war between Russia and Ukraine, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the impoverishment of the human rights system in various regions of the world.

The meeting will be introduced by Carlo Alberto Romano, associate professor of Criminology, Penitentiary Criminology and Criminology of Terrorism at the Department of Law of the University of Brescia, and will be attended by Pietro Gargiulo, full professor of international law and Deputy Pro-Rector of the University of Teramo.
Admission is free.

Brescia, festival della Pace: l'impegno dell'ONU per il Diritto allo Sviluppo

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