Brescia, the “Youth Speak Forum 2024” at the University: young people and work at the center of the debate

A day of workshops and meetings in Brescia to explore the future of sustainable work, with exceptional guests, partner companies and a focus on the United Nations Agenda 2030.

Brescia, the “Youth Speak Forum 2024” at the University: young people and work at the center of the debate.

Saturday 23 November 2024, in the Multipurpose Hall of the University of Brescia (via Senatore Diogene Valotti 3), The Youth Speak Forum 2024 will be held, a free event organized by Aiesec Italia with the patronage of the Municipality of Brescia and the University of Brescia. A day of meetings, exchanges of ideas and moments of inspiration where students and young professionals will have the opportunity to meet and discuss the future of the world of work.

The Youth Speak Forum 2024 will focus on the goal of the United Nations 2030 Agenda SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth, with which the UN intends to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, to guarantee decent work opportunities for all. During the event we will talk about how the world of work is changing and what is happening.How companies can innovate and grow while respecting workers' rights, promoting sustainability. But above all, we will discuss how young people can make a concrete contribution to these changes.

It will start at 11 with a welcome moment and then continue with the round table on the theme “The Future of Work: Innovation, Leadership, and Economic Growth.”

At 12.30 the workshop “Innovative solutions for local economic growth” will be held, followed by lunch. Activities will resume at 14.30 pm with the workshop “Leadership for a sustainable impact” while at 15.30 pm the meeting “Leadership in Action: Projects to contribute to sustainability” will be held.. At 17pm there will be time for final reflections and, at 18pm, an aperitif will allow you to relax while continuing the exchange of ideas.

The interactive workshops will offer spaces to share thoughts and proposals, with the possibility of discovering new perspectives on the world of work and how to make it more sustainable.

Young people attending will have the opportunity to listen to high-level speakers, including experts and companies committed to creating a more equitable future of work. such as Alessandro Sorrentino (alias @Sicitalian), Content Creator and Influencer; Martina Spinoglio, CEO of Thesis4u, Andrea Celeste Barbano, Social Media Manager of Thesis4u; Mario Mazzoleni, Professor of Business Economics at the University of Brescia; Paola Pluchino, CEO of TAI Solution; Enrico Pedrelli, Head of Communications of CLO and Representative of Generazioni
Legacoop Lombardia; Marta Ciurli, Senior Analyst Business HR at Avanade; Matteo Faletra, Co-founder of Tereso and Chiara Gisinti and Andrea Granata, United Nations Youth Delegates.

Partner companies of the project are Banca Etica, Tereso, Legacoop, Avanade and Paola Pluchino while the official sponsors are Caffè Borbone, Pentel, Granarolo, Wami and Crich.

You can register for the event via Eventbrite, by clicking here.

Aiesec (Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales) is a non-profit, independent, non-partisan, apolitical association, present in 126 countries around the world, which has among its objectives the full development of people's potential. Aiesec offers young people a platform to learn and develop their leadership skills through concrete experiences and in challenging contexts.

Brescia, lo “Youth Speak Forum 2024” all’Università: giovani e lavoro al centro del dibattito

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