Brescia, games and culture: International Games Month 2024 in the library
Discover the month of November in Brescia dedicated to board games and role-playing games in Brescia libraries, with events for all ages and a special opening for Halloween.
Brescia, games and culture: International Games Month 2024 in the library.
City Libraries Participate in International Games Month @your Library, the initiative dedicated to gaming in the library promoted by the American Library Association and supported, in Italy, by the Italian Library Association (AIB) through the working group “Gaming in the library”.
Seven libraries of the Urban Library System (Buffalora, Casazza, Ghetti, Prealpino, Sereno, Torrelunga and UAU) they have joined the proposal by planning, for the whole month of November, an intense calendar of meetings dedicated to board games, role-playing games, chess and training sessions designed for a very broad target: families, children and teenagers, young people and adults of all ages.
The first appointment will be “Halloween Games”, an evening proposal dedicated to the Halloween-themed board game, which will be held on Thursday 31 October, from 20.30 pm, at the UAU Library – Milano Houses of the Sun (via Milano 105/P).
The initiative aims to show the educational potential of games and video games in the library aimed at all age groups, creating events that everyone can participate in. The goal is to promote the active participation of all citizens, children, teenagers, young people and adults, improving accessibility, inclusion and socialization, and supporting the development of the educational richness of play in contrast to educational poverty.
The meetings are coordinated and promoted by the city libraries in collaboration with AmbienteParco, Antro del Drago Tempio Ludico and Torre & Cavallo, organizations that have been committed for years to promoting culture and recreational activities in Brescia schools.
For any information and to register for events it is necessary to contact the individual library that will host the event or write to
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