Brescia: from 25th to 28th September Meet&Steam arrives, the event open to all dedicated to STEAM activities. The World Robot Olympiad competition will also be present

4 days with a high STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths) content with the opportunity to learn about this world and meet other enthusiasts.

Brescia: from 25th to 28th September Meet&Steam arrives, the event open to all dedicated to STEAM activities. The World Robot Olympiad competition will also be present.

A window on the world in an event truly for EVERYONE. A fundamental moment to discover what a real robotics competition and above all to better understand the scope of this youth movement. All this is MEET&STEAM. The event, sponsored by the Department of Education of the Lombardy Region and the Municipality of Brescia, is organized by the association DreamPuzzle APS ETS, born in Brescia in 2013 to introduce young people to digital skills through educational robotics, coding and STEAM activities, and hosts one of the two international stages of the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) robotics competition

World Robot Olympiad was created to bring together young people aged 6 to 19 with the same passion, stimulating the study of STEAM disciplines in cooperative activities and by proposing challenges appropriate to different age groups in which they can compare their programming, construction, strategy and creativity skills.

In fact, in robotic competitions the real challenge is with oneself, more than with other teams. In WRO Open Championship the competitive spirit is present but accompanied by the desire to learn and share. The competition acts as a glue to encourage cultural exchanges and friendships beyond national borders to form an international community.

The aim is for the international event to become a showcase for schools

228 teams qualified to access WRO OPEN Championship 2024 arrive in Brescia from 54 countries. The Italian teams will meet their peers from: Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, China, Chinese Taipei, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechoslovak Republic, Denmark, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Lithuania, Lebanon, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique Netherlands, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, USA, Venezuela.

The competition is divided into 4 categories: RoboSport, RoboMission, Future Innovators and Future Engineers, which are distinguished internally by age groups, tools used and "missions" of increasing difficulty based on the age of the children. The participating teams are composed of two or three elements plus the coach, always divided by age groups, to ensure that the competition is between equals, therefore fair.

This year RoboMission opens up to two new age groups: Kids, Starter dedicated to the very young and to those approaching for the first time with missions and an easier competition field.

The theme of the 2024 edition that guides the challenges to be completed is “EARTH ALLIES”, or how robots are called to help us live in harmony with the Earth and therefore are our allies.

For this international stage, therefore A total of 1.250 people will arrive in Brescia between the competing kids and their companions, and the city is ready to welcome them.

World Robot Olympiad OPEN Championship 2024 will not remain an event for registered teams only, becomes a showcase for the world of coding, robotics and STEAM activities, because it fits inside Meet&Steam ( the initiative that offers STEAM events for everyone.

A real Science Festival open to all with courses for Italian schools, training and in-depth workshops for teachers, active laboratories, competitions, entertainment and fun, also dedicated to the public. Anyone can get involved and live first-hand the experience of building and programming their own robot (real or virtual), or discover STEAM projects from all over the world.

Schedule of the days:
• September 25th – arrival and preparation day for the teams of the international competition WRO Open Championship at the Brixia Forum
• September 26th – special day for the competition teams to discover Brescia with a special treasure hunt in Santa Giulia. A unique opportunity to get to know the city and meet new friends
• September 27th – Competition day at Brixia Forum for teams and first MEET&STEAM day dedicated to schools with workshops, tours and activities. The day ends at Brixia Forum with a Friendship Night reserved for WRO Open Championship members.
• September 28th – Final competitions and awards for WRO Open Championship teams as activities for the public and schools continue.

The event is organized by the association DreamPuzzle APS ETS and Nuova Tecnologia in partnership with InnexHub, with the patronage of the Lombardy region, the collaboration of the Municipality of Brescia. The initiative is also co-financed by the Chamber of Commerce of. Brescia.
Many are the entities that supported the initiative, believing in it firmly, such as (in alphabetical order): Alfa Acciai, ArcLight, Arteda, Dinema, Elnòs, Falar, Greenwich, H_S, Home lab, Innova Group, LAAS (Lonati Anglo-American School), Marino Costruzioni, Montello, Scalo Milano, Security Trust, STV, Tamburini Traduzioni Group, Transvecta and US Urbanistica e servizi.

The days will then take place thanks to the active collaboration of: Franciacorta Bricks, Ambiente Parco, ToScience, Fabula 3D, Alessandro Cavalli, Guida Artistica, Hero Mechatronics

All activities are at free access after registering on the site:

Piazza Vittoria, 7 – 25121 Brescia (BS)
phone: +39.342.7583 650
Association WEBSITE:
Italian WRO delegation website

Facebook: DreampuzzleRobotics
Instagram: @dreampuzzlerobotica

Brescia: dal 25 al 28 settembre arriva Meet&Steam l'evento aperto a tutti dedicato alle attività STEAM. Sarà presente anche la competizione World Robot Olympiad

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