Brescia enters phase 2 of the Major Emblematics with the project “The Legacy of the Italian Capital of Culture”
The Municipality of Brescia has obtained access to Phase 2 of the Emblematici Maggiori call by Fondazione Cariplo with the three-year project "The legacy of the Italian Capital of Culture: a strategic plan for cultural welfare. From the Roman Theatre of Brixia to the neighborhoods".
Brescia enters phase 2 of the Major Emblematics with the project “The Legacy of the Italian Capital of Culture”.
The goal: A plural and inclusive community
The project aims to consolidate the public-private cultural network that contributed to the success of BgBs2023, strengthening the integration of cultural institutions, trade associations, training bodies and health and social organizations. The Municipality of Brescia's partners in the candidacy, therefore the entities that contribute costs and receive contributions, are the Fondazione del Teatro Grande, Centro Teatrale Bresciano, Cooperativa Il Calabrone, Cooperativa La Rete, Cooperativa ManoLibera.
The candidacy is supported by a dense network of entities and collaborators on the project, including the Brescia Museums Foundation, the State University of Brescia, the Catholic University of Brescia, Confindustria Brescia, ASST, the Order of Physicians, the Santa Giulia Academy, the Foppa Group, the Carme Association, the Idra Theatre, the Teatro19, the Festa della Musica, and the La Rondine social cooperative.
Project actions:
1. The consolidation of the public-private cultural network which contributed to the Capital of Culture and which is now coming together around the new long-term project: the Strategic Plan for Culture of the City of Brescia 2030.
Action 2 is related to the only structural intervention present: study, restoration and inclusive re-functionalization project of the Brixia Roman Theatre and Palazzo Maggi Gambara, contributing to the drive of the attractiveness and tourist-cultural identity consolidated during the year of Capital which in the archaeological area registered the greatest attraction. The technical-economic feasibility project was compiled by architect Valeria Ghezzi.
The intervention is to be seen as a preparatory action for future programs of complete recovery, enhancement and reuse of the Roman Theater of Brixia already outlined by the Administration and the Brescia Museums Foundation, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Brescia, and entrusted to the architect David Chipperfield.
The area of the Roman Theatre is characterised, by its very physiognomy, by “natural architectural barriers which are intrinsic to its history”. The intervention therefore foresees, according to lines of inclusiveness and accessibility, to make the cavea easily visitable, even with temporary solutions that accompany the viewing during the archaeological excavations that the Superintendency will carry out from 2025 in the part of the ima cavea still underground.. The substantial part of the intervention is dedicated to the recovery of the rooms on the ground floor of the southern body of Palazzo Maggi Gambara, which will assume the function of museum portal for the archaeological area.
In the completely refurbished premises, structurally consolidated and equipped with the systems necessary for carrying out activities and for the comfort of visitors, it will be possible to place a reception/ticket office area equipped with a cloakroom/bookshop, new toilets, information spaces and an introduction to the external visit routes, which will take place along the hemicycle of the ima cavea.
Action 2 provides for a contribution requested from Fondazione Cariplo in favor of the Municipality of Brescia of 900.000 euros. The Municipality will add an amount of 2,1 million euros of its own resources, for a total cost of 3 million euros.
The project involves the activation of five Cultural Hubs. Each hub coincides with an equipped space interconnected to the others, dedicated to activating cultural projects characterized by a high degree of active participation of citizens.
The activities are developed in collaboration with the network of cultural operators in the area and with the main cultural institutions of the city.
Four hubs will be in the neighborhoods, and one in the center. The cultural programming of the hubs responds to the specific needs of the territories, but also develops integrated projects.
In the Western zone, a strengthening of the UAU space is expected, in the northern area of the social library of the Villaggio Prealpino, in the southern area is the current Spazio Lampo, and in the future for that area it will be the Community Hub whose construction is planned within "The school at the centre of the future", a project included in the SUS - Sustainable Urban Development Strategy.
In the eastern area, the project includes a co-design process with the territory and in particular in schools, to imagine together with the kids and by 2026 the CULTURE HUB inside the recovery of the former ARICI-SEGA.
The City Center Culture Hub coincides with the strengthening of the MO.CA space indicated by the project as a point of interconnection among the various peripheral hubs, in its primary vocation as an acceleration center for new youth creativity.
Action 3 involves the active involvement of the Il Calabrone Cooperative for the space, currently the service provider Youth information, with a contribution requested from Fondazione Cariplo of 454.000 euros.
The Municipality of Brescia will activate cultural mediation services for a contribution of 110.000 euros from Fondazione Cariplo. Purchases and installations for cultural hubs are also planned for 212.000 euros, entirely requested from Fondazione Cariplo.
Valorization and networking of existing spaces for contemporary art and culture, such as Carme, the New Eden, the Bunkervik shelter, the various ateliers / artist studios, to create an “island of the contemporary”. The intervention requires an integrated programming and communication action.
Furthermore, we want to support the candidacy to enable CARME as the headquarters of the regional music production center, in collaboration with the Lampedée association and the Municipal Administration.
Action 4 requires a commitment of 75.000 euros from the Municipality of Brescia, of which 25.000 euros as a contribution requested from Fondazione Cariplo.
The new Teatro Borsoni is called to play the role of a theatre in a neighbourhood characterised by a resident population with a high rate of migrant background. The project encourages participation processes supported by cooperatives and associations in the area that act as facilitators and socio-cultural mediators with the various communities present. Also in order to create greater permeability between the theatre and the neighbourhood, the space will have to be equipped with dedicated equipment for the creation of a summer arena in the external area.
Action 5 includes the coordination of the Centro Teatrale Bresciano for the creation of the external arena and for the activation of a participatory season with the neighbourhood, with a total contribution requested from Fondazione Cariplo of 200.000 euros.
The ManoLibera Cooperative assists the Centro Teatrale Bresciano in mapping the artistic projects of the various foreign communities present in the area, in addition to giving life to participatory artistic productions that can be performed in the Theatre, with a requested contribution from Fondazione Cariplo of 35.000 euros.
In action 6, it is planned to develop co-design and co-production spaces aimed at adolescents and young adults within the system. CULTURE HUB, with equipment designed to encourage activities, workshops, calendars of small or large events in the fields of music, cinema, illustration, gaming.
We also want to design a Festival of free expression by and for adolescents co-created with young people, which involves the new cultural hubs in an integrated manner, based on what emerged from the 2024 edition of the States General of Young People.
Still in this context, one of the planned actions is the development of an editorial product dedicated to bringing back to a narrative unity the panorama of Brescia's cultural offering in co-design and co-production with the youth target.
Finally, psychologists, educators, doctors and social workers will collaborate to address psychological distress among adolescents, through educational interventions and cultural activities.
Action 6 involves the involvement of the lead partner, the Municipality of Brescia, with a sum requested from Fondazione Cariplo of 164.000 euros and the Cooperativa La Rete for a request for a contribution from Fondazione Cariplo equal to 70.000 euros.
The last action includes the support to young artists under 25 through the opportunity to collaborate with cultural institutions and innovative spaces such as MO.CA and CARME, and the system of cultural hubs in decentralised areas.
Furthermore, to promote social integration through art and culture, the creation of artistic residences in the neighborhoods and laboratories is planned. to increase the cultural participation of residents, by making cultural mediators and social workers available.
In particular, Fondazione del Teatro Grande is applying to play the role of mentoring and socio-cultural activator in decentralised areas thanks to the network of cultural hubs and the involvement of the entities that operate in the neighborhoods to stimulate the participation of the population.
To achieve these objectives, laboratory courses will be developed with national and international artists, processes of comparison and co-design will be activated with the realities present in the neighborhoods, giving shape to a plural artistic program (music, theater and dance).
The contribution requested from Fondazione Cariplo for action 7 in favor of Fondazione Teatro Grande is equal to 200.000 euros.
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