Brescia: Friday 27 September the "Researchers' Night" returns to encourage meetings between researchers and citizens, between laboratories, stands, experiences and talks
The Researchers' Night is promoted and organized by the University of Brescia, the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart - Brescia Campus, the Academy of Fine Arts LABA Brescia, the Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia, the Luca Marenzio Conservatory and the Brescia Museums Foundation, with the collaboration of the Municipality of Brescia and the Territorial School Office.
Brescia: Friday 27 September the “Researchers' Night” returns to encourage meetings between researchers and citizens, between laboratories, stands, experiences and talks.
The scientific dissemination event returns on Friday 27 September “The Researchers' Night”, the initiative aimed at enhancing the research culture and to promote meetings between researchers and citizens, promoted and organized by University of Brescia, Catholic University of Sacred Heart – Brescia office, Academy of Fine Arts LABA Brescia, Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia, Luca Marenzio Conservatory and Brescia Museums Foundation, with the collaboration of the Municipality of Brescia and the Territorial School Office.
From 14.00 pm to 18.00 pm the researchers' demonstration stands will enliven the MO.CA in via Moretto, 78.
From 14.00:XNUMX p.m., in the historic center of the University of Brescia, the professors will hold numerous workshops, open to the public upon registration.
Università degli Studi di Brescia
“New biotechnological applications at the service of medicine and the environment” is the title of the meeting dedicated to schools and organised within the BIOTECH WEEK 2024 which opens the program of the University of Brescia, in Medicina, from 9.30 to 13.00, in Classrooms E and F. The morning includes seminars on the advances of biotechnology in the medical and environmental fields and visits to some laboratories.
The University of Brescia will be present in the MO.CA spaces with 27 demonstration stands.
Themes of the medical area: from measuring air quality in polluted regions using an innovative analysis of airborne microbes to a journey to the center of the brain with the Brain Lab neuroscience group; from neuromechanics and motor control, with the assessment of neuromuscular fatigue in post-intensive care patients, to the use of the metaverse to transform university lectures into a virtual and inclusive experience; from eye-tracking and body-tracking as innovative measurement systems at the service of medicine to the journey that a molecule must undertake to become a drug with the drug discovery; from precision medicine to the discovery of traditional and innovative pharmaceutical forms to deliver drugs. Focus also on therapeutic potential of the plant kingdom with the plant biology laboratory.
The topics of the engineering area: a mystery to be solved for save the planet with Escape C4T Lab, nanotechnologies for sustainable environmental and social development and the design of programmable mechatronic modules to create versatile robots to be used in the social sector and to support vulnerable people. From designing with virtual reality behind the scenes of a stable, in search of the technologies for a circular future. From the secrets of the meccanobiologia to the possibility of making images accessible to blind people through “virtual touch”. From new vision systems for agricultural measurements to automatic control of general anesthesia in the operating room. And again, the projects and research of the Environmental Health Engineering Group, the Spoke 11 – MOST project for the development of innovative materials to lighten vehicles and make them more sustainable and recyclable and the URBioPark project. The biodiversity of urban parks to improve the health of city dwellers.
For the economic area, the “Optimization for Planet Earth” stand focuses on the issues of environmental sustainability; the area of jurisprudence an in-depth study on medicinal plants and functional foods is planned, between tradition, innovation and regulations.
The UniBs Gender Commission, within the project “STEM in Genre” for a gender rebalancing in STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), is present with the stand “STEM in action: Have fun and learn while playing!”
Among the demonstration stands also the desk dedicated to UniBS Alumni, the Alumni Association of the University of Brescia and that of the UNITA – Universitas Montium Alliance, the alliance that links the University of Brescia to 12 other universities in seven different countries (uniting more than 248.000 students and a staff of 20.000 people) and which aims to transform the pre-existing training, administrative and mobility management dynamics, involving teachers, students and administrative staff. The UNITA stand is set up within UNIGHT, the special edition of the European Research Night alliance.
The 14th edition of the event is scheduled to start at 00:17 pm.alk held by university professors (registration required on the website, at the offices in the historic center.
In the Apollo Hall of the Rectorate (Piazza del Mercato, 15) we talk about longevity, health and brain diseases.
In the Library Hall of the Department of Economics (Via San Faustino, 74/b) we discuss personalized medicine in the oncology field, nanotechnologies, sustainable environmental and social development, Circular and Sustainable Made in Italy and economic research at the service of energy and digital transitions.
Four talks in the Falcone-Borsellino Hall of the Department of Law (Corso Mameli, 27): the topics range from the health risks of obesity and overweight, to the right to oblivion in oncology, as a new protection tool for those who defeat cancer, from tissue engineering and bioprinting to the presentation of the Unibs summer schools with “Sunny days, international ways”.
At the center of the events in the Sala dei Putti of the Department of Law (Via San Faustino 41) The Global Consequences of Energy Market Crises, from the oil shocks of the 70s to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but also plant biodiversity (with a focus on the case of the Botanical Garden of Ome) and mathematics with the educational game creation laboratory and the meeting entitled “Mathematics is…everywhere”.
In the Hall of Candelabra of the same building, the discussion is about development of heterogeneous catalysts for sustainable energy production and for emission control, lithium battery recovery and ancestral irrigation systems in the Mediterranean basin and Central Asia as a paradigm of sustainability.
The University of Brescia will also be present at the meeting “They grow like mushrooms”, the book presentation “Organic Aesthetics. Ideas, Research, Experimentation Between Art and Biology” organized by the Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia, which will be attended by Professor Emanuela Gobbi of the Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine.
Among other events, also the Round Table “AI and Humanism: Between Skeptics and Integrators”, scheduled in the MO.CA Dance Hall at 18:30 p.m. The topic will be discussed by Alessandro Padovani (Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia), Nicoletta Cusano (Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia), Andrea Pozzi (Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart), Marco Sorelli (Department of Visual Arts, Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia), Massimo Tantardini (Department of Visual Arts, Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia) and Francesco D'Isa (School of Painting, Academy of Fine Arts LABA Brescia).
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart – Brescia campus
The research carried out in the classrooms and laboratories of the six faculties of the Catholic University will be described in the 11 stands set up in the MO.CA spaces. Various focuses presented by the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences range from artificial intelligence, now an integral part of our daily life to understanding How Reinforcement Learning Works and discover together how machines can autonomously learn from their mistakes and successes, continuously improving their performance. Through concrete examples, we will understand how this technology is influencing our future and transforming sectors such as robotics, video games and resource management. But also in relation to smell to define the quality of products.
It will prove How a quantum communication protection protocol works and how to use light to exchange information protected from possible attacks by quantum hackers. Scientific and technological advances in the world of quantum computers offer the possibility of exploiting the power of Q-bits (quantum bits) to solve some problems much more effectively than traditional computers.
Many times it is thought that the fluid dynamics is an exclusively theoretical field and instead can also be fundamental in medicine. The stand aims to offer visitors the opportunity to explore how fluid dynamics is applied in the medical field, from the design of innovative medical devices to better understanding of blood and lymph flow. Through examples and simulations, participants will understand how fluid dynamics skills can be used to address contemporary medical challenges.
often abstract ideas of mathematics pure materialize in tangible and concrete geometric forms. This is the case of the aperiodic monotile called SPECTRO, which was discovered just over a year ago (May 2023) and which closes a research that had been going on since the 70s of the last century. In this activity, some properties of this wonderful object will be presented and we will touch this shape with our hands, trying to assemble a flooring, using tiles specially prepared by the Department of Mathematics and Physics. There will also be a way to understand how objects are reconstructed from projections.
I climate changes are a phenomenon that is affecting the entire planet. One of the main effects is the increase in average air temperatures. However, many other effects have been predicted and observed: the increase in the frequency of extreme events, the early melting of snow in the high mountains, the increase in the number of tropical nights. In this stand we will go from the global to the local and, using the data collected by ARPA Lombardia, we will focus our attention on what is happening in Brescia and its province, also making a comparison with other areas of Lombardy.
And what can it be? the role of trees and forests in global climate change mitigation strategies? Environmental physicists from the faculty will directly measure photosynthesis and plant respiration at the leaf level to demonstrate the ability of plants to absorb carbon dioxide, reduce the greenhouse effect, and improve air quality. Techniques for measuring the “breathing” of entire forests will be demonstrated.
La Faculty of Education Sciences will propose a new approach to Digital Education During this interactive event, we will explore how gamification and digital technologies can transform education into a fun and engaging experience. The main objective is provide tools and best practices necessary to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment, where play becomes a powerful ally in training.
A look at the sports practices and the relationship with work will be proposed by the Faculty of Psychology. The workshop aims to let participants experiment with building their own personal skills balance for the job market starting from a reflection and analysis of sports experiences done or in progress.
Increase awareness of your concentration and focus skills attentional focus and more generally of one's cognitive and emotional resources, not only allows one to identify one's strengths and limits, but also allows one to develop strengthening training and neurocognitive empowerment to continuously improve their performance. In recent decades, cognitive and social neuroscience have promoted the use of bio/neuro-feedback techniques that, through portable, innovative, non-invasive and user-friendly devices, support neurocognitive training aimed at developing awareness.
During the workshop it will be possible experience a short bio/neuro-feedback session, in order to better understand how these tools for enhancing awareness and attention work. Finally, each participant will be provided with individual feedback on their performance.
Brescia SantaGiulia Academy of Fine Arts
Accademia SantaGiulia participates in the researchers' night together with other university institutions in Brescia with the aim of spreading the research culture as a means to investigate what appears mysterious and uncertainThe perspective with which the activities and workshops are proposed on this day intends to enhance and encourage creative and original visions capable of contributing to the evolution of a fascinating method of artistic-scientific-technological investigation.
With this spirit Accademia SantaGiulia also inaugurates the PhD courses in Visual Arts and Technological Humanism approved by the Ministry and which from this academic year become an integral part of its educational mission.
In the afternoon, various locations:
15:00 pm, at MO.CA – Center for New Cultures
Presentation of the volume Organic Aesthetics. Ideas, Research, Experimentation between Art and Biology, edited by Emanuela Gobbi, Paolo Sacchini, Massimo Tantardini.
Speakers: Angelo Vigo (Director of the Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia), Emanuela Gobbi (Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine, UniBS), Paolo Sacchini (Deputy Director of the Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia), Vera Canevazzi (Department of Visual Arts, Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia).
16:30 pm, at Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo
Panel discussion.
Speakers: Stefano Karadjov, (Director, Brescia Musei Foundation), Massimo Tantardini (Director IO01 Technological Humanism, Department of Visual Arts, Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia), Marco Cadioli (Department of Applied Arts, Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara, Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia), Paolo Sacchini (Deputy Director, Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia).
Free access stand, at MO.CA. from 14.00 pm
Stand 1 Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia
or Inside my laptop. Digital art experiments
Marco Cadioli, Net Art, Department of Design and Applied Arts;
or Ideas, research, experiments between art and biology, Vera Canevazzi, Phenomenology of Contemporary Arts, Marco La Rosa, Techniques and Technologies of Visual Arts, Elena Rogna, Product Design, Department of Visual Arts
Stand 2 IO01 Technological Humanism
o Aesthetic Factory: Visual diary of a conference
o Sounds, signs and gestures: interactive workshop by the Department of Communication and Art Education
Academy of Fine Arts LABA Brescia
Innovation. Technology. New expressions and digital transformations. Avant-garde, experimentation, evolution. Without limits, without prejudice: “Drawing with Artificial Intelligence it's not like painting an oil painting, but it forces you to learn a non-natural language, halfway between man and machine: there are prompts that drive the machine crazy, but mistakes become a creative act that is part of the artists' baggage". In the wake of the educational-thematic paths undertaken during the academic year, the LABA Academy of Fine Arts will participate in the Researchers' Night by presenting the results of the most recent and pioneering research in the field of Artificial Intelligence, which range across a multitude of interdisciplinary contaminations underlying it: from photography to video, from painting to "experiential" extensions linked to augmented reality.
Specifically, LABA will be present with a focus-dedicated where students, led by Francesco D'Isa (teacher of Contemporary Plastic Techniques for the Painting course), they will carry out impromptu works by exploiting the infinite possibilities of AI, that is opening new horizons, while revolutionizing existing and already explored ones. At the same time, the public will also have the opportunity to experience an immersive journey testing first-hand – through the use of special viewers – the equally boundless potential of virtual reality (VR). To shape and recode new creative identities, in tune with LABA's vision: an open, inclusive, interconnected space, immersed in the present and projected towards everything that is yet to come.
Luca Marenzio Conservatory
Showcase – MO.CA, Dance Hall – 18:00 p.m.
Historical wind group of the “L. Marenzio” Conservatory of Brescia
Department of Early Music
Presentation: Prof. Giovanna Fabiano
Christoph Graupner Overture in C major
(1683-1760) for 2 chalumeaux and bassoon
1) Overture
2) Minuet
3) Gavotte
Antonio Vivaldi Trio Sonata
(1678-1741) for 2 oboes and bassoon
Luigi Giannini and Gianfranco Saponaro, chalumeaux
Andrea Mion and Daniele Rodi, baroque oboes
Raffaele Benedetto, baroque bassoon
Brescia Museums Foundation
Tosio Martinengo Art Gallery
A laboratory that is based on a synaesthetic approach because all the senses are important to return to paying attention to art and to be able to discover details that escape the gaze alone.
Il laboratory promotes a slow approach to a few works to be able to savour them through sensorial experiences that allow you to live them in a more intimate and profound way.
In front of each work yes will lead different experiences that will involve the 5 senses.
Meeting at the Pinacoteca ticket office
Duration: approximately 1.30 hours
Auditorium of the Santa Giulia Museum
A special meeting with the artist Giuseppe Bergomi who, starting from the images of the works exhibited in the show, will address, from his point of view as an artist, broader themes related to making art and in particular to making sculpture.
Afterwards, it will be possible to visit the exhibition for free at the Grande Miglio del Castello until 22 pm.
Meeting at the Auditorium of the Santa Giulia Museum, via Piamarta 4
Duration: approximately 1.30 hours
Participation in the activities is free with mandatory reservation at Cup tel. 030.8174200 –
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