Brescia: “Bullions Award” 2024, reporting deadline approaching

“Bullions Award” 2024, reporting deadline approaching

Brescia: “Premio Bull0ni” 2024, reporting deadline approaching

The appointment is back with the award born in 1953 entitled in memory of the lawyer Pietro Bulloni; these days The Municipality of Brescia has taken action to collect reports from the city and the province, sent to the offices of Palazzo Loggia by the associations operating in the various social fields, from the religious world, from the mayors of the Brescia municipalities and from the Neighborhood Councils.

The reports for the 2024 Bulloni Award they can also come from ordinary citizens who, alone or together with others, want to shine the spotlight on protagonists of solidarity, witnesses of the values ​​of altruism, generosity, civic spirit and hospitality.

Proposals must be sent by 12:4 on November 1th, addressed to the Mayor of Brescia, Piazza della Loggia 25121, XNUMX Brescia, alternatively they must be sent by email to the email address a brief description containing all the elements useful for the evaluation by the special Commission that will assign the prizes is sufficient. Each report must be accompanied by a contact number, including telephone number, as well as the tax code and a copy of an identity document of the person submitting it, to allow for any further information.

"In the most diverse contexts of family, work, school, culture, civil commitment and service – writes the Mayor Laura Castelletti in a letter sent to the mayors, the presidents of the District Councils, the parish priests and the voluntary associations – we want to identify actions, personal or collective, worthy of public recognition, so that solidarity, within our society, can find multiple forms of expression".

The Bulloni Award Ceremony, and the prizes traditionally associated with it, will be held on Tuesday 17 December.

Brescia: “Premio Bulloni” 2024, avvicinamento scadenza segnalazioni

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