Bologna, the review for World Refugee Day returns

From 11 to 24 June, a calendar full of meetings, screenings, exhibitions and workshops will enliven the city. On June 19th, Piazza Lucio Dalla will become the welcome square,

Bologna, the review for World Refugee Day returns

Also this year is World Refugee Day becomes the occasion to propose a program of events organized by the Municipality of Bologna, within the SAI Project coordinated by ASP Città di Bologna and various bodies involved in the issues of reception and migration.

The Welcome Square is the “official” event, organized by the Municipality of Bologna together with BolognaCares!, scheduled for Wednesday 19 June in Piazza Lucio Dalla, starting from 17pm with comics workshops for children/and teenagers/and edited by Salvatore Giommarresi “Every suitcase a journey” (6-10 years) and Mirka Ruggeri “Superpowers that change the world” (11-15 years), followed by the presentation of the comic book 10 welcoming stories with signed copies of the authors (Mirka Ruggeri, Salvatore Giommarresi and Alice Facchini).

After greetings from Erika Capasso, delegate of the Mayor, Stefano Brugnara, sole director of ASP Città di Bologna, and Cristina Francucci, director of the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, is provided the screening of the documentary MistArt. Street Art Migrants, on the workshop aimed at beneficiaries of the SAI Project conducted by the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna.

The evening will culminate in the Maqeda concert, by Gabriella Ghermandi and Atse Tewodros Project only band existing Italian-Ethiopian.

The complete calendar of events scheduled from 11 to 24 June it is visible at this link.

Among the events we highlight:

Wednesday June 12 (Lucio Dalla square), Dear migrant, the Migrants' Table of the Archdiocese of Bologna compares Pif (Pierfrancesco Diliberto) with migrants, reception workers and volunteers, and Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi;

Monday 17 June, (Cinema Arlecchino, via delle Lame 59/A) the screening of Telling them about us, film made by Rand Beiruty with a group of Arab, Kurdish and Roma girls in East Germany (as part of the Biografilm Festival, with Noah's Ark);

Saturday June 22, crisis in the Middle East will be at the center of the screening of the film A world not ours, by Mahdi Fleifel (2012), as part of the exhibition “By boat towards the East” at the headquarters of the Hayat Association (via Leonardo da Vinci, 2/B Bologna);

Sunday June 23, al Cinema Bristol (via Toscana 146 Bologna), with the The century is mobile, a multimedia monologue written and created by journalist Gabriele Del Grande (production by Zalab), edited by CIDAS.

Refugee Day, established on 4 December 2000 by the General Assembly of the United Nations on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Geneva Convention which in 1951 defined the status of refugee, is celebrated throughout Italy.

Like last year, the official image of the event has been created within of the POSTER FOR THE CITY project, made in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna. Among the different images proposed by the class of Prof.'s Graphic Design course. Danilo Danisi, that of Flavia Badiali was selected, which refers to the first of the many tragedies that refugee people experience: leave your home.

"Also this year Bologna chooses to celebrate World Refugee Day with a program of events, the result of the collaboration between the Municipality, Asp Città di Bologna, Municipalities of the metropolitan area and third sector entities that actively participate in our Reception and Integration System - underlines Luca Rizzo Nervo, councilor for welfare and health - Bologna has the largest SAI project in our country; a system that is based on the choice to build a widespread, community-based welcome, with the ambitious goal of promoting citizenship from day one through the integration of migrants and refugees in our territory, thanks also to constant work of coordination and collaboration between institutions and with the local community. The initiatives that we organize every year for World Refugee Day represent an important testimony of this commitment, which we have always carried out together with citizens and all the actors, who, by virtue of their skills, play an essential role in facilitating the inclusion paths of refugees”.

“The first year of the new 2023-2025 project of SAI – Metropolitan Area Reception and Integration System, coordinated by ASP Città di Bologna on behalf of the Municipality, is coming to an end these days – recalls Stefano Brugnara, sole director of ASP -. The services and governance of the SAI are the result of a co-planning process in which we are protagonists together with all the partner bodies and local institutions to offer over 2000 reception places in the Bologna metropolitan system. The rich program of events for World Refugee Day 2024 demonstrates how SAI's services go far beyond providing food and shelter to refugees but are also an opportunity for cultural activities which are fundamental to promoting inclusion and exchanges . In fact, the aim is not only to open up to the culture of those who are welcomed but to open up to refugees the culture of those who welcome, in a mutual exchange that enriches everyone".

Bologna, torna la rassegna per la Giornata mondiale del Rifugiato


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