Bologna Summer 2023, the events of the week from 28 July to 3 August

The last weekend of San Francesco Summer is underway

Bologna Summer 2023, the events of the week from 28 July to 3 August.

From 28th to 30th July last week end di San Francesco Summer – Music and theater in Piazza San Francesco: Friday appointment with "The great race towards Lupionopolis"of Peppe Voltarelli, Saturday show of Tomax Theatre with "Female", while Sunday the theatrical tasting takes place”Tza/Tzi/Ki recipes for soul explorers", show of Manuela De Meo and Angelica Zanardi.

Friday 28 July at Bolle d'Arte in Piazza dei Colori, free afternoons with “Once upon a time... there was a game!“. THE Porta Pratello SummerGround, appointment with “Climate karma“, a documentary by Michele Piazza and Marlene Kuntz. To the Margherita Gardens Playground, as part of the review "Sports books and stories" Giorgio Comaschi presents his show “Football? Stuff to laugh about. Anecdotes, famous phrases, legendary episodes".

Saturday 29 July in Borgo di Valle (Monzuno), as part of “May the day never come! 2023: resonances of festive villages" Marino Lorenzini presents Filuzzian dance and the musicians of the Savena Valley.

Sunday July 30th last appointment of the review Let's Turn! with the film "The fabulous world of Amelie"Below Yellow House Spina Library. In the context of "Under the movie stars“, projection in square Greater of "Vasco-Live Rome Circus Maximus".

Bologna Estate 2023, gli appuntamenti della settimana dal 28 luglio al 3 agosto.

Monday July 31 A Castiglione dei Pepoli in Piazza della Libertà, as part of Favolando per le valli 2023, show with the juggler “Sebastian Burrasca“. THE Villa Aldini, "The green accordion“, theater show by and with Andrea Satta. Directed by Ulderico Pesce

Tuesday August 1 "My Geography" concert at International Museum and Library of Music, in the context of (s)Nodi festival of unusual music. At the Puccini Arena, "Three Too Many", of Fabio DeLuigi

Wednesday August 2 in Piazza Maggiore, Final concert international composition competition “August 2nd"

From the 3 6 August "Lagolandia-contemporary holiday resort“, exploration of four days, through i lakes of Suviana, Brasimone, Santa Maria and Castel dell'Alpi.

Thursday August 3th al CUBE, appointment with Irene Grandi in "Me in the blues"

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