Bologna: International Museum and Library of Music, presents the twelfth edition of (s)Nodi festival of unusual music

scheduled every Tuesday evening from 25 July to 12 September 2023.

Bologna: International Museum and Library of Music, presents the twelfth edition of (s)Nodi festival of unusual music.

The International Museum and Music Library of the Bologna Civic Museums Sector presents the twelfth edition of (s)Nodi – unusual music festival scheduled every Tuesday evening from 25 July to 12 September 2023, dedicated to all those who want to experience the summer listening to live music.
Appreciated by an audience passionate about original sound experiences, the festival offers a new musical tour around the world in eight stages to get to know and talk about some of the most interesting variations of contemporary ethnic and popular music, beyond geographical and genre boundaries.
The common thread in the program of selected proposals will once again be the attention towards talent and originality in the ability to contaminate different musical languages.

It debuts on July 25 with Cucòma Combo the musical creature of Marco Zanotti, founder and director of the Classic Afrobeat Orchestra, which for years has been collecting different types of musical "flavors" around the world in the form of instruments, rhythms, voices. Carimbò, afrobeat, soukuss, mbira, gaita, danmoi, Colombia, Zimbabwe, Cape Verde: the matrix of the compositions is black as coffee and is revealed in the dense texture of tribal voices and in the pressing rhythm of the songs. An exciting mixture between experimentation and tradition, avant-garde and world music that starts from diversity to celebrate equality, tolerance and the desire for a live super band expresses to the maximum the image of the boiling coffee pot (cucòma in Romagna dialect) !

August 1st the voice of Saba Anglana, Italian-Ethiopian singer and author born in Somalia, digs like a root into the soil of memory, allies herself with nature and its elements, the wind, the forest, the water, the mountains and the deserts, seeking their common denominator in a dense interweaving of song and word, music and narration. Accompanied by Fabio Barovero's piano incursions on the trajectories of a music that migrates between continents and fertilizes genres, a concert that is a true treasure map along the traces of its adventurous geography, from the blues of the Horn of Africa, to rhythms of the western side, from the mystical chords of storytellers to Ethiopian compositions of Coptic Orthodox derivation.

August 8st we leave Western forms to immerse ourselves in the sound continuum of Kalasciò, the duo made up of Massimiliano di Carlo and Valentina Bellanova inspired by the improvisational codes still active in the central Apennines and the Adriatic (Massimiliano's homelands) and in the Turkish/Greek tradition (of which Valentina is one of the best European interpreters). A flow where music flows through modal improvisations, according to a true sound ritual that frees the listener's perceptive space to await bodily sensations, introspective intuitions, creative visions.

The 15 August we celebrate Ferragosto with the trio of Flaira Ferro. Singer-songwriter and dancer born in Recife (in the midst of Carnival!), her training as a pupil of the legendary maestro Nascimento do Passo is strongly linked to the popular culture of Pernambuco. Hers is an all-round show in which, accompanied in the Bolognese stage of her European tour by the multi-instrumentalist Lucas Dan and the percussionist Philipp Bernhardt, she mixes in a very original way traditional elements of the rhythms of frevo, forró, caboclinho and maracatu - typical of the popular culture of the Brazilian northeast – with rock, pop, funk and electronica, dragging us into the vortex of its overwhelming hybrid and tropical language.

(s)Nodi continues his journey on August 22 with Perija: from North Macedonia, for the first time in Italy the dark-folk band defined as the latest incarnation of neo-hippie-folk-postpunk psychedelic trance. Their themes (sung in the various Balkan languages) range from ancient village ballads (which they rediscovered and collected in the field) to important social issues of the present, in a unique interpretation, influenced by the sounds of the Middle Eastern maqam scales and the rhythms North African irregulars, up to blues, post-punk, atonal and jazz.

Following, on August 29, Ipek Yolu (Turkish name for the Silk Road), an extremely dynamic quartet, whose fulcrum is the groove of the ardent melodies of the saz of Orhan Özgur, to which have recently been added the beat of the award-winning jazz/hip-hop drummer Frederik Bülow and the synthesizer solos of Malthe Jepsen, one of the most technical keyboardists on the European music scene. All to create a contagious set, between Turkish psychedelic folk, African and South American-inspired rhythms and a light touch of hip-hop and jazz fusion capable of offering a musical experience unlike any other.

The 5 September the refined and patient minimalism of comes from Seoul for the first time in Italy Dal: um, Two musicians and two ancient and heavy acoustic instruments with silk strings that are plucked and are capable of emitting both melodic tones and percussive resonances. An ongoing dialogue between traditional and experimental practices, which challenges the limits and potential of Korea's best-known traditional instruments (the gayageum and the geomungo), creating a compelling, balanced and expansive sound world that capitalizes on the delicate dynamics and space between Note.

The review concludes the 12 September with tellKujira: in autumn 2020 it was born as an imperfect chamber quartet with two electric guitars instead of violins. His stylistically stateless, flexible and open to contamination music moves between contemporary, electronic, art rock and free jazz, through abstract, ambient, polyrhythmic, industrial soundscapes which, during live performances, change in a surprising way, gradually resulting in a full collective immersion of infinite sonic possibilities.

(s)Nodi – unusual music festival is part of Bologna Estate 2023, the program of activities promoted by the Municipality of Bologna and the Metropolitan City of Bologna – Bologna-Modena Tourist Territory.


Tuesday 25 July at 21.00 pm > Cucòma Combo
Marco Zanotti drums, percussion, vocals
Martina Fadda lead vocals, percussion, synth
Daniel Corbelli guitar, percussion, vocals
Andrea Taravelli bass, vocals
Fabio Mina flutes, tenor sax, Colombian gaita, danmoi, electronics, kalimba
Marcello Jandu Detti trombone, bombardino, trumpet, shells, voice

Tuesday 1 August at 21.00 pm > My geography
Saba Anglana vocals and lyrics
Fabio Barovero piano and electronic incursions

Tuesday 8 August at 21.00 pm > Kalasvò
Massimiliano Di Carlo voice, calascione, lame bagpipe, trumpet, harmonic flute, tambourine, wind chimes
Valentina Bellanova flutes, bagpipes, shawm, ney, voice, drum

Tuesday 15 August at 21.00 pm > Flaira Ferro
Flaira Ferro vocals
Lucas Dan accordion
Philipp Bernhardt percussion

Tuesday 22 August 21.00 pm > Perija
Lea Milinovikj oud, tambura, cumbuş saz, percussion
Dea Delina Plevneš percussion, vocals
Katerina Dimitrovska voice, tambura, kemane, percussion, yaylı tambur
Each Zlatanov cumbuş saz, oud, yaylı tambur, tambura, voice

Tuesday 29 August at 21.00 pm > Ipek Yolu
Orhan Özgur saz, vocals
Olaf Brinch bass
Frederik Bülow drums
Malthe Jepsen keyboards

Tuesday 5 September at 21.00 pm > From: um
Ha Suyean gayageum
Hwang Hyeyoung geomungo

Tuesday 12 September at 21.00 pm > tellKujira
Ambra Chiara Michelangeli viola/fx
Francesco Diodati guitar/fx
Francesco Guerri cello
Stefano Calderano guitar/fx

interoceptive € 10 | reduced € 8 (university students with ID card, under 18s, Cultura Card holders)
Entry is permitted subject to availability.
Tickets can be purchased in advance:
• at the bookshop of the Music Museum during opening hours (from Tuesday to Thursday 11.00-13.30 / 14.30-18.30 | Friday 10.00-13.00 / 14.30-19 | Saturday, Sunday, holidays 10-19) and on the day of the concert at starting from 20.00 pm
• online (with a €1 surcharge) on the site or on the site
Tickets they are non-refundable.

International Museum and Library of Music
Strada Maggiore 34 | 40125 Bologna
Tel. +39 051 2757711

Bologna: Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica, presenta la dodicesima edizione di (s)Nodi festival di musiche inconsuete.


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