Benevento: Church of Santa Sofia, the project for the valorization of the UNESCO site begins.

For this work the Municipality is the beneficiary of resources deriving from regional law 18 of 2022.

Benevento: Church of Santa Sofia, the project for the valorization of the UNESCO site begins.

The municipal council, chaired by the mayor Clement Mastella, approved the technical-economic feasibility study for the enhancement of the UNESCO Church of Hagia Sophia site. For this work the Municipality is the beneficiary of resources deriving from regional law 18 of 2022.
“The works – explains the councilor for public works Mario Pasquariello – will allow this exceptional historical-monumental asset of the city to be enriched with further valuable elements. In particular, a lighting intervention is planned for Piazza Santa Sofia and Vico Noce. The latest generation elements will be used with recessed luminaires equipped with wall washer optics to uniformly distribute the light on the façade, four immersion devices to illuminate the obelisk, the replacement of the lighting fixture at the entrance to the Sannio Museum and relamping to the lighting of Vico Noce, with LED modules. Furthermore – concludes councilor Pasquariello – there will be two digital totems with software for tourist information”.
The total cost of the works amounts to 100 thousand euros.
Institutional Information Office of the Municipality of Benevento Via Annunziata (Palazzo Mosti) – 82100 Benevento Tel. 0824 772266 and 0824 772269 –

Benevento: Chiesa di Santa Sofia, si dà il via al progetto per la valorizzazione del sito Unesco.

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