Belluno, at the Civic Museum of Palazzo Fulcis: laboratories, workshops and readings
From 20 July to 10 August as part of the "RE-state in Città" exhibition, there will be 4 Saturdays dedicated to art at the Civic Museum of Palazzo Fulcis. The activities are aimed at children, teenagers and adults.
Belluno, at the Civic Museum of Palazzo Fulcis: laboratories, workshops and readings
Summer is the time of year when time expands: because commitments change, especially for children and young people of school age, Because the days are longer, because, despite sometimes struggling to become stable, the beautiful sunny weather puts you in a good mood.
We leave and we stay. In any case, there is the desire to make good use of the time you have available to do some of the things which, perhaps, are not always possible during the rest of the year.
The Civic Museum of Palazzo Fulcis comes to the rescue of this need by proposing “Re-stay at the Museum”, with 4 Saturdays dedicated to laboratories, workshops and readings at the Civic Museum, for children, teenagers and adults, edited by TADALab: for the people of Belluno it will be like being on holiday, in their own city.
Il first appointment is scheduled for Saturday 20 July, from 10am to 13pm, with “Collage at the Museum”, to discovery of the works of the Museum is they will become the collages of the laboratory. The activity is proposed for children from 7 to 11 years.
Saturday 27 July, from 10 am to 11 pm, will be the turn of “Readings at the Museum”: alcune rooms of the Museum will host participants to read beautiful stories and maybe… the paintings will listen too! The activity is designed for parents and child aged 4 to 6 years.
Saturday August 3th, From To 10 11.30, the proposed activity is “Discovering Palazzo Fulcis”: who lived in the building that now houses the Museum? What stories do the rooms and coats of arms tell? THE participants will be able to discover it and build their own Museum together! For children come on 7 to 11 years.
The last appointment, Saturday August 10, is designed for adults and children, come on To 16.30 18.30, with “From sculpture to clay”: the sculptures by Augusto Murer and Marta Sammartini, exhibited at the Museum in the summer period, they will be the starting point for experimenting with clay processing.
For information and reservations simply contact the Civic Museum of Palazzo Fulcis: 0437 913323 e
Cost: activities for children and families (adult + child), 18 €; the laboratory of 10 August, for adults and children, 60 euros. Ai costs will be added 3 euros for entry to the Museum.
Places are limited and activities will start when the minimum number is reached. Registration will be confirmed upon payment of the fee.
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