Believe Film Festival: from 26 October Verona Capital of cinema under 24

A large project which this year will welcome over 600 high school students, already registered for the "School Morning" training meetings.

Believe Film Festival: from 26 October Verona Capital of cinema under 24

Verona. Fun, opportunities and training. These are just some of the key words that have always distinguished the Believe Film Festival, the short film competition which, from 26 to 29 October, for six years it has been animating Verona in a great celebration of cinema under 24.

Over the course of four days 18 film delegation selected throughout the national territory will have the opportunity to bring their short film to the stage of the Teatro Ristori, no longer for one, but for many two evenings of entertainment open to the city.

“An event that has grown over the years – declares the councilor for youth policies Jacopo Buffolo –, which this year has achieved truly extraordinary numbers in terms of participation of young people, both in terms of the organisation, completely structured around volunteer boys and girls, and the protagonists, creatives aged between 14 and 24 who will have the opportunity to present their film productions to the public. There are many themes touched upon and food for thought offered through the short films chosen for this edition of the Festival, which I invite you to get to know and follow."

The Festival was presented this morning by the councilor for Youth Policies Jacopo Buffolo together with the director of the Believe Film Festival Francesco Da Re. Also present were the representatives of the artistic direction of the Festival, Davide Mogna and Livia Ferraguzzi.

Plan. The first evening of screenings, which will be held on Friday 27 October, will involve eight short films chosen to participate in the section “Believe Extra”: the first novelty of this year, which provides the possibility of screening for those short films which, although not meeting the requirements for participation in the ordinary competition, have stood out for their particular technical quality or for the originality of the reflection developed. During the evening the short film "Dive” by Aldo Iuliano, produced by New Gen Entertainment and presented to the Venice Film Festival80.

On the evening of Saturday 28 October, however, it will be held starting from 17 the now traditional gala evening, during which the ten films selected for the ordinary competition will be screened: five belonging to the "Beginners Section” and five belonging to the “Official Selection”.

The jury of four judges will judge the quality of the short films: Lorenzo Ciofani, journalist for the Cinematografo magazine; Francesca Amitrano, director of photography for the TV series “Sea Outside”; Aaron Ariotti, screenplay teacher at the Holden School in Turin e Valerio Ferrara, director of “The Conspiracy Barber”, award winner Cinef 2022 at the Cannes Film Festival.

“About 75 competing kids will live the Believe experience thanks to the work of more than 70 young volunteers – highlights the director of the festival, Francesco DaRe –, who have been planning and working for months to offer the best to their peers who share the passion for cinema within this great celebration".

The Believe, after the success achieved last year, it is also once again involving the city's schools: more than 600 students of secondary schools will participate in the "school morning", during which some of the short films selected for the Believe Film Festival 2023 simultaneously at the Ristori theater and the Rivoli cinema on the morning of Friday 27 October.

Confirming the desire to create a network and enhance young talents in the world of cinema, this year's novelties also include the “Believe Cinema Expo”. A real exposure to Great Guard which, on the morning of Saturday 28 October, will involve academies, magazines, companies and professionals from the Veronese cinema and beyond. Also among the guests Cinelà – African Cinema festival and the Bridge Film Festival.

The festival enjoys the patronage of Ministry of Culture, of the Veneto Region, of Municipality of Verona, the Entertainment Organization Foundation and the Veneto Film Commission.


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