Bari: 3rd edition of the “Mario Bisignani” memorial, the national Greco-Roman wrestling competition on Sunday at PalaMartino
The third edition of the “Mario Bisignani” memorial, the national Greco-Roman wrestling competition, men’s and women’s freestyle, organized by the Bisignani wrestling school, is scheduled for Sunday 22 September at the PalaMartino (9.00 am – 17.00 pm).
Bari: 3rd edition of the “Mario Bisignani” memorial, the national Greco-Roman wrestling competition on Sunday at PalaMartino
It was presented on the morning of September 20th, in the council chamber of the City Hall, third edition of the “Mario Bisignani” memorial, the National Greco-Roman Wrestling Competition, men's and women's freestyle organized by the Bisignani wrestling school.
To present the initiative, scheduled Sunday 22nd September at PalaMartino (9.00am – 17.00pm), were the children of the athlete who passed away exactly 17 years ago, Sante and Adelina Bisignani, the journalist Gaetano Campione, the president of Cus Bari Anthony Precious, Joseph Seccia, member of the Cus Bari management, the coach and regional manager of Greco-Roman wrestling Joseph Colajanni, the journalist of the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno Charles Gagliardi, the absolute champion of wrestling Joseph Girone, Franco Castilian journalist and coordinator of the memorial, the former athlete Umberto DeGiosa e Renato Laforgia, doctor and former president of Cus Bari.
“We are returning to Bari this year with freestyle wrestling and Greco-Roman wrestling – he explained Renato Laforgia – Olympic disciplines in a tournament that includes the women's section. All this, in memory of a true master of sport and life, Bisignani, who was deservedly recognized with both the gold star of merit of the CONI, and the star of the International Olympic Committee IOC for sporting merit and for having favored the diffusion of the sporting sentiment of peace, solidarity and brotherhood. Today, this discipline is once again becoming very attractive for young people, and it is proving fascinating because it is a physical confrontation, in full fairness, between two athletes, without any external help other than their own ability, strength, intuition”.
“My father represented a prominent figure in the world of Greco-Roman wrestling for Bari – he underlined Adelina Bisignani – because he was able to combine the characteristics of a sport based mainly on strength with the philosophical message of acceptance of others, raising the educational level and thus contributing to saving many young people from the suburbs from a difficult life”.
“In his career, Bisignani – he continued Gaetano Campione – has won 300 trophies, including cups and medals, and has forged a brood of champions who have dominated the mats of all Europe for years. But Mario is not only this: he was also a great innovator, he was able to read the future by arranging, for example, training sessions to the sound of music, or by promoting women's wrestling in a city like Bari. A force of nature”.
“When I met him, many years ago – he commented Anthony Precious – struck me for his expertise in sports matters. I want to emphasize that Mario, despite his sometimes controversial past in his relationships with sports leaders, has never left the Bari University Sports Center: this will therefore always remain his home”.
“I don't know a coach – he recalled Joseph Colajanni – who, misunderstood and even opposed in his environment, was revalued and even rewarded, proving wrong all those who did not believe in the scope of his great innovations”.
“Bisignani was a master of sport, who I would easily compare to another great still active, Julio Velasco – the opinion of Charles Gagliardi -: both were able to capture general interest thanks to innovative intuitions. This was Mario's philosophy, which many young people adhered to".
Joseph Seccia he recalled: “A down-to-earth and affable person, even if he had a sharp tongue, but in a positive sense, because he used it to always try to get the best out of the athletes.”
In conclusion the absolute champion of wrestling Joseph Girone, who focused on the technical aspects of the competition: “It is a tournament aimed at young people, under 14 and under 17They will face each other 110 athletes members of about twenty sports clubs from all over Italy. The novelty this year is the forecast of cash prizes for the winners”.
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