At Mozzi Borgetti the new format "Let's play Poetry".
Macerata, with the title of “Poetry in the Library”, to Mozzi-Borgetti a new annual format of meetings and workshops dedicated to theme of the poem. Organized by the municipal administration, the care is entrusted to writers Filippo Davoli and Guido Garufi for the association “United Arts”.
“With this new initiative – the Councilor for Culture intervenes Katiuscia Cassetta - we want to inaugurate, inside the municipal library, a place that already sees other events related to reading, but also to games and workshops, a new path to promote knowledge and in-depth analysis of poetry in its different facets and across different periods historians who have gone through it, from the classics to the latest trends. A format that we want to consolidate and propose again over time."
The series of meetings entitled "Let's play Poetry" it opens next Thursday September 21st at 17pm, in the Library Auditorium, with the intervention of Giovanni Tesio, newspaper criticLa Stampa”, “Tuttolibri” and “The index of books of the month”, author of numerous essays for Einaudi, including conversations with Primo Levi. Tesio, who is also emeritus professor of Italian literature atUniversity of Eastern Piedmont, will talk about his latest book, entitled "Poetry at play” and published by Lindau.
It will follow the following day, Friday 22 September, same time and same place, a journey between young Italian poets in relationship with the texts and the masters of their writing. The meeting is entitled "In the footsteps of the fathers" and Luca Campana, Riccardo Canaletti, Jacopo Curi, Marco Di Pasquale, Lorenzo Fava, Martina Luce Piermarini, Simone Ruggieri, Ezio Settembri, Sonia Trippetta and Costantino Turchi take part.
The second week of meetings for the “Poetry in the Library” will open Thursday October 5 at 17:30 pm of Castiglioni Room with the poet and critic from Macerata Guido Garufi, grappling with the thorny problem of the so-called Newspeak in relation to the fruitful experience of Poetry in the Marche, to which he recently dedicated a second impressive anthology. The next day, Friday 6 October, Filippo Davoli will talk about the poet's laboratory activity, paradigmatically paraphrasing it with the over sixty-year career of Mine. The meeting with Davoli will also be held in the Castiglioni Room at 17:30. Friday 20 October, same location and same time, the “Poetry in the Library” exhibition closes with a tribute to the Italian poets of the Grand Style, from D'Annunzio to Montale, from Pascoli to Luzi, from Saba to Fortini and others, read by Piero Piccioni.
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