Chieti: the "Back to the Future" project is underway, Councilor Pantalone: "Another activity to support young people".
The project aimed at promoting a new model of "Territorial Empowerment" is called "Back to the Future".
Chieti: the "Back to the Future" project is underway, Councilor Pantalone: "Another activity to support young people".
Is called "Back to the Future" the project aimed at promoting a new model of “Territorial empowerment” which unites the Municipality of Chieti with Confartigianato Imprese Chieti-L'Aquila, intends to carry out a systemic action, continuing ed expanding actions of the project proposal implemented as part of the “Abruzzo Giovani 2019” and “Abruzzo Giovani 2021” interventions, this also proposing new territorial and socio-educational animation activities, youth aggregation, social service and information, through the Teate On Air web radio.
“The project is aimed at young people aged 16 to 30, in practice the student population enrolled at the University of Annunzio is equal to 12.065 units (for the reference year 2019 - 2020 and the young students of the fifth classes of the Higher Institutes of the city of Chieti - explains the councilor for Youth Policies Manuel Pantalone – but no it involves others too: volunteers of the Erga Omnes Association, users of the same association, including those with disabilities, users of the Informagiovani service managed by Chieti Solidale and of the Confartigianato Chieti-L'Aquila.
A consortium that, thanks to project funding, will set up a series of initiatives in the former San Martino Social Center, the operational headquarters of Erga Omnes. In responding to young people's needs for autonomy, self-determination and fulfillment, we want to encourage the school-university-work transition so as to reduce the number of children in a stagnant situation who, after leaving school, neither work nor study, also proposing new local and socio-educational animation activities, youth aggregation, social service and of information, through the Teate on air web radio.
The objectives are different: discussion and solidarity among young people, such as to strengthen social cohesion; contribute to the quality of the training and professional support systems for young people, expanding the activities of the offices dedicated to training activities aimed at business creation, also through the establishment of a Creative lab and a thematic podcast channel, as an extension of the web radio existing; as well as responding to the psycho-social needs of the new generations, with particular attention to young people who risk not having equal access to the opportunities that society offers them, including children already in the care of the ECAD Social Services and those with disabilities; finally, the promotion and enhancement of social networks and alliances at local level.
Il context requires it, because the pandemic and ongoing social changes have brought to light fragility and social problems which result in increasingly increasing episodes of marginalization and maladjustment.
The projects we will give life to will not only be supportive, but also innovative, with the aim of trying to reduce the social, economic, working and digital exclusion of which so many are victims".
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