Chieti: "Resistance, memory for the future 2023", events dedicated to liberation day from 21 April

The Administration: "The partnership with ANPI and city associations is renewed to celebrate an important anniversary for everyone's future"

Chieti: "Resistance, memory for the future 2023", events dedicated to liberation day from 21 April.

Two days of demonstrations on the occasion of 25th April. The synergy between the Municipality, the Presidency of the Municipal Council and ANPI with the city associations is repeated, in order to share values, history and memory of the Liberation and the Resistance. This year the events which will begin tomorrow, Friday 21 April and will be organized by CGIL, Legambiente, UdS, SlowFood, Club for UNESCO Chieti, Voci di Dentro, Libreria De Luca.

“A date that invites us to remember the history and values ​​of the Liberation – so the mayor Diego Ferrara and the president of the City Council Luigi Febo, engines of synergy – The party will be integrated with the institutional ceremony and will be celebrated by two days of events, made possible by the synergy with the Prefecture and with various city associations that will return to animate the events in the city area. Last year's event gave us great emotions and the certainty that the community has reclaimed this date, because it participated in all the events proposed. We would like to thank the associations who generously shared ideas and projects with us so that the value of April 25th was expressed to its maximum power and with the attention it deserves, because it is about our history and our freedom, which we must recognize and confirm in the years to come, through culture and memory of the mistakes made".

“The public sharing of the values ​​that the new generations need to grow up and maintain the freedom that came to us from the Resistance returns in all its power – thus the councilors Alberta Giannini, Paride Paci and Edoardo Raimondi, drivers for the Municipality of synergy with the associations – This year we start tomorrow and we do it with a symbolic gesture, which is to strengthen the Memory Forest with trees, so that the memory of April 25th is in progress, grows with them. We are happy that there is a procession of young people to testify to the value of freedom and to do so by walking alongside those who have always embodied and transmitted those values, or play an institutional role that finally today gives arms, legs and heart to a State that protects rights and freedom starting from the Constitution written the day after the Liberation. Our thanks go to the young people and all the associations that drive these events, it is always a pleasure to work together to give the city opportunities for growth and reflection".

“This year too, the Anpi of Chieti is happy to collaborate with the Municipality in the construction of this special celebration which has finally found civil as well as institutional space and expression after years of silence – declares Gianluca Antonucci, of the ANPI of Chieti – It is important that we celebrate April 25th and do it as Liberation Day, also underlining its function of making active memory especially with future generations. As ANPI we want to underline that the Resistance was not a civil war, but a real liberation, the conquest of a freedom necessary to erase the pain and horror of a period of our history, to put it like President Mattarella in Auschwitz , without oblivion or forgiveness. We cannot forget the sacrifice of the many who fought for the freedom of our country, in thousands of cases losing their lives, but we must also not forget those who, perhaps even misled by wrong messages, were the cause of the capture, deportation and death of many innocent people. Everything cannot be remodeled because the years have passed and we need to speak clearly to the young people, which is why we are proud to parade alongside the students, to whom we symbolically hand over a relay with which they will have to move forward and grow".

“As the Students' Union and as citizens we believe that it is very important to celebrate liberation day, to remember the determination of the partisans and not to let indifference towards discrimination and violence take over our state - so Arianna Marcozzi – Fascism will not be dead as long as this is the case. Especially within schools, which by definition are places that must take care of the safety of students and teachers, it is necessary to study in detail the history behind our democracy in order to spread culture, the only weapon against dictatorship and oppression . We are committed to reminding this city that we have a voice, we have a critical sense and we will not let anyone obscure the truth, about the terrifying violence of fascism and the great work of the partisans in the service of freedom".

From Club for UNESCO of Chieti un contribution of memory and testimony to restore the right historical presence to the courage and commitment of women for freedom, thanks to the precious research of Maria Saveria Borrelli from which the stories are taken which will have the voices of Mariantonietta Ciarciaglini, Cinzia Di Vincenzo, Federica Palusci, Rosalia Pedone, Gabriella Vitullo.
The complete program

Friday April 21th pm 10,30 al Forest of Memory (Chieti Scalo) – Naming ceremony with the placing of plaques and the planting of trees. Organized by Legambiente and ANPI of Chieti.

Chieti: “Resistenza, memoria al futuro 2023”, dal 21 aprile gli eventi dedicati al giorno della liberazione

Tuesday April 25 10 institutional ceremony and laying of laurel wreaths to the monument to the Resistance in Largo Cavallerizza, followed by the homage to the plaque in memory of the Theatine partisans in Largo Martiri della Libertà and to the one in memory of the Theatine victims at the Technical Center of the Province, along the descent from the prisons. There close will be at the War Memorial, at the municipal Villa, for hours 10.45, which will be followed by the flag raising. At 10,30 ANPI Banquet will be held in Largo Martiri della Libertà.

All 11 at Largo Martiri della Libertà, Reading from “The silent resistance. The women tell the story." by Maria Saveria Borrelli. Organized by the UNESCO Chieti Club. At the same time will be held Liberation Procession: concentration in Piazza Malta, via Arniense, corso Marrucino, piazza Trento e Trieste, via della Liberazione, Villa Comunale, Piazza Mazzini. By UDS and ANPI students.

All 12 at Largo Martiri della Libertà: “The voices of anti-fascists for the freedom of the Italian people – Letters from those condemned to death of the Resistance”. Organized by the Voci diinterno association and the Teatro Marrucino acting school.

All 17,30 Foyer of the Marrucino Theater, presentation of the book by Professor Gianni Orecchioni "Hotel Victoria”, moderates the journalist Maria Rosaria La Morgia. By Libreria De Luca.

Finally at 19,30pm Foyer of the Marrucino Theatre, Cineforum. Organized by ANPI and Slow Food Chieti.

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