Mantua: arthouse cinema meetings are back

The appointment to consolidate the fundamental role of auteur cinema.

Mantua: arthouse cinema meetings are back.

For the 23rd edition of the FICE event, scheduled 2 from October to 5, among others Marco Bellocchio, Ficarra & Picone and Barbora Bobulova are expected.

"In the context of the Venice Film Festival, which this year gave ample space to quality Italian and European titles, and in light of the great results obtained at the box office this summer thanks also to great arthouse films such as Oppenheimer, I am convinced that the XXIII edition of the FICE event will represent a fundamental moment to take stock of our sector, without forgetting the problems that concern us, but looking to the future with more optimism than in past years”. They are the statements of Domenico Dinoia, President of FICE (Italian Federation of Arthouse Cinema) in announcing today at theItalian Pavilion on the Lido and in the presence of the Deputy Mayor of Mantua, Giovanni Buvoli, the 2023 edition of the Arthouse Cinema Meetings, in Mantua from 2 to 5 October. Also present at the event were Francesca Caruso, Councilor for Culture of the Lombardy Region and Paolo Protti, owner of the Ariston Multiplex, the main venue of the event.

appuntamento cinema d'essai

Alongside the approximately 20 previews for the over 500 accredited people from all over Italy (exhibitors, producers, distributors, press, festival organisers), the Mantuan program will, as usual, present many screenings exclusively for the city public and for local schools.

Among the most anticipated moments, the cpresentation of the FICE AWARDS to the excellences of Italian cinema, mWednesday 4 October at the Bibiena Theatre, during an evening hosted by the journalist Maurizio Di Rienzo. Among the artists who have already confirmed their presence Marco Bellocchio, Salvatore Ficarra and Valentino Picone, Barbora Bobulova, Leonardo Maltese and the editor Francesca Calvelli.

"It is with great anticipation”, underlined the Deputy Mayor of Mantua Giovanni Buvoli, "that the city public is preparing to welcome the 2023 edition of the Arthouse Meetings with its usual enthusiasm. A now traditional event and a source of pride for our city which with its XXIII edition brings to Mantua a program full of high-level screenings and over 500 operators from the sector and the specialized press. As always, it will be a wonderful experience and a further opportunity to promote our city".

Among the previews already confirmed: The chimera by Alice Rohrwacher with Josh O'Connor and Isabella Rossellini, The holdovers - Life lessons by Alexander Payne with Paul Giamatti, from the Berlinale The sky is burning (Afire) by Christian Petzold.

More information and updated program they will be available in the next few days on

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