Arezzo: Contraerea’s Tuscany Aerial Festival kicks off.
Councillor Federico Scapecchi presented together with the resuscitation doctor Nicoletta Martini of Contraerea the “TAF Tuscany Aerial Festival” project. It was also the occasion to celebrate the two new medalists, athletes of the association, who put the most precious metal around their necks at the recent Italian Pole & Aerial Cup. Veronica Porcellotti and Luca Rossi excelled, respectively, in the aerial hoop and aerial silk disciplines.
![Arezzo: al via il Tuscany Aerial Festival di Contraerea]()
"Let's put it together - he recalled Chess pieces - the classic presentation of an initiative with the celebration of a new sporting success branded Arezzo. The vitality of the local associations, to which the municipal administration reserves due attention by stimulating and financing their creativity, not only produces many events but also demonstrates that it knows how to reap the fruits of athletic and competitive work. Really congratulations to Contraerea for managing to follow this double track: the proposal and the realization from a design and artistic point of view and the attention reserved for a more purely competitive level. Congratulations obviously to Veronica and Luca to whom, on behalf of the municipal administration, I give a truly deserved symbolic recognition".
“TAF Tuscany Aerial Festival” was born as a format that combines training and dissemination of sports and artistic practices related to the world of social circus and aerial dance. The festival is structured in two modules, the first will be held on Sunday 1 December at the goldsmith school gym in via Golgi 38.
Theory and practice will be combined: the lessons will focus on first aid, healthy sports nutrition, social circus tools and the organization of artistic and circus events. The techniques will instead allow you to enrich your skills on the tool that arouses your personal interest.
The course will end with the staging of an exercise on the chosen tool that will allow participants to use a performance space and demonstrate what they have learned. The second module, January 11 and 12, 2025, will be performed at the Mecenate theater. In addition to the performances on the equipment, fabric, straps, capillary suspension, rope, hoop, trapeze, there will be an aerial dance, balancing and circus show by the Cia Rayuela Company produced by Counter-aircraft. A strong point of this project is the synergy with the other, “Circostanze d'incontro”, winner of the national call for proposals Spazi Civici di Comunità Play District, active for a year now, which will end in July 2025.
The target beneficiaries are in fact the same: young people between 14 and 35 years old with various types of problems. TAF will also be an opportunity to intercept new participants.