
Arezzo, PM's 2023, The report of the activities on the occasion of the feast of San Sebastiano

the Municipal Police presents the final balance of the activities carried out in the previous year.

Arezzo, PM's 2023, The report of the activities on the occasion of the feast of San Sebastiano

As is now customary, it is on the day in which the patron saint San Sebastiano is celebrated that the Municipal Police presents the final balance of the activities carried out in the previous year. One year, 2023, which marked a further strengthening of the bond with the territory and with the citizens, for whom the Corps represented, and represents, an essential point of reference. The daily and continuous work in close contact with the population has confirmed this role of "privileged" interlocutor, capable more than others of intercepting both the transformations in citizens' habits and behaviors and all those requests for support and security that more than others engaged the agents in new responses, greater efforts and above all greater presence. The coordinated and flexible reaction of the Corps to the new requests of the territory has made it necessary to adopt changes to the organizational model, which has radically transformed the planning of traditional services to guarantee the best response in emergency response regarding assistance to people, without obviously neglecting the priority need to protect the health of its operators.

2023 continued the path of computerization and dematerialization that affected the last two years, to focus above all on office activities, a necessary choice also in light of the organizational and operational changes that the Command has adopted as a result of the new regulations. But technology has also come to support public safety activities: at the end of 2023, the administrative process was started for the testing of electric pulse weapons (Tasers) as part of the Department of Municipal Police personnel, believing that this device could contribute to the reduction of violent events and the improvement of action and of the defense of public safety operators by limiting the risks for their safety as well as for the people towards whom it needs to be used to protect public safety.

Great attention was also paid in 2023 to the prevention and fight against the phenomena of widespread and predatory crime pursued through local services and interventions, in particular for the benefit of the most at-risk areas, also with the greater use of the vehicle used as a mobile station with the which PM personnel from the urban security and anti-degradation unit patrolled the most sensitive points of the city including Saione, Pionta Park, San Donato and Tortaia.

Among the activities carried out for the control of the territory, the summer saw the strengthening and improvement of urban road safety services for the control of the alcohol level or psychophysical alteration of motorists. The same, on the occasion of major events, patronal celebrations, various shows, events.

Particular commitment was also reserved in 2023 to the road education project aimed at building an educational path aimed at very young people to learn to live the street in a conscious, safe and responsible way, as protagonists of traffic both as pedestrians, cyclists and future motorcyclists and motorists. it is essential to intervene early with education that is able to direct the behavior of children and young people towards the road, for correct civil coexistence.

Going into the numbers, the role was fundamental operational and management of activities in the territory carried out by the operations centre, which was the subject of 47.769 phone calls with around 15.309 interventions carried out on the most disparate types of requests, from road accidents, to those for help and assistance to people, from annoying noises to reports for green areas. It transferred 883 reports to other bodies.

In 2023 they were controlled by the Municipal police 35.921 vehicles for a total of 952 checkpoints. In its control activities, the Municipal Police has particularly pursued all those behaviors which constitute a danger to people's safety and in particular exceeding the speed limits (20.511 infringements reported directly to the offenders), driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs (19 violations), the use of radio-telephone devices while driving (330 violations), failure to use seat belts (377 violations).

The ever-high number of complaints that can be considered particularly serious cannot go unnoticed, such as, for example, the lack of RCA insurance, in relation to which 217 reports were drawn up (with related seizures) and the lack of review in relation to which 1.057 reports were contested.

The additional sanctions applied, where required by the Highway Code, were numerous and involved 423 vehicle removals, 221 administrative seizures, 54 arrests, 73 licenses withdrawn and 29 circulation cards and certificates withdrawn.

The violations of the Highway Code contested in 2023 turns out to be 74.972.

It is worth underlining the commitment aimed at contesting those irregular behaviors that are part of this of the concept of Road Safety, such as speeding (20.511 confirmed violations). In this regard, it is necessary to point out the considerable number of violations of those who do not communicate their driving license data following a report which provides for the deduction of points (art.126 bis CdS). The figure shows 1.588 reports contested by the Sanctioning Procedures Office with a significant increase in staff work. The same applies to violations for offenders who have not produced documents pursuant to art. 180 of the CdS (832 violations contested). 24.291 license points were deducted from violators of the reports that provide for this.

the Sanctioning Procedures Office appeals filed by transgressors with the Justice of the Peace or the Prefect of Arezzo are also burdensome. 94 appeals were registered with the Justice of the Peace, while 2.444 appeals were registered with the Prefect of Arezzo.

Speeding remains the main cause of the 651 accidents detected in 2023, often also attributable to poor attention to driving and road signs. In this regard, prevention activity has been increased with frequent checkpoints in the areas greater and more serious accidents.

The number of crime reports transmitted is still significant (135). to the Judicial Authority during 2023 (a slight decrease compared to 2022 which were 154) with 136 people under investigation at large and 3 under arrest because they were caught in the act of committing a crime.

With this in mind, checks continued in the areas considered at risk (Saione, Campo di Marte, Pionta Park and Pertini Park) with patrols aimed at combating degradation and petty crime. The Municipal Police Corps thus intended to take up the appeal of the Municipal Administration and the residents, trying to restore tranquility and serenity to those who live and frequent these areas in which activities of drug dealing, pickpocketing and bag snatching had been reported.

Finally, the organization of the project "Road safety education", carried out with resources from the Municipal Police, resulted in a strong participation of internal staff in 2023, involving 28 units of agents and officials. A total of 2.055 students were involved, with 33 schools taking part.

“As always, the Feast of San Sebastiano gives an opportunity to delve deeper into the activity of the Municipal Police, which was particularly intense for 2023 too, but equally prepared to give the most precise answers to the many requests from citizens. The role of the Municipal Police is undoubtedly one of the most complex, as it is called upon to combine its traditional role of protection and first contact with citizens with the more complete role of guardians of urban safety, of public order understood in the broadest sense. I can only thank our commander and the entire Corps of our PM for the great work they do with dedication and sacrifice: the new staff who will integrate the current staff in 2024 will allow us to respond more effectively to the requests for security that comes from citizens", commented the mayor Alessandro Ghinelli.

Arezzo, Il 2023 della PM, Il report delle attività in occasione della festa di San Sebastiano

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