Arezzo: Malpighi Festival returns, the protagonists are young people
Three days not to be missed at the park in via Malpighi, Friday 21st, Saturday 22nd, Sunday 23rd July, dedicated to music, fun and training in the field of entertainment
Arezzo: Malpighi Festival returns, the protagonists are young people.
"Malpighi Festival – underlines councilor Federico Scapecchi – is part of the beating heart of Arezzo's 'young' summer, which lives and grows stronger year after year thanks also to the call for recreational, sporting and cultural activities to which we have allocated a total of 45.000 euros, of which 30.000 for 15 projects from June in September and 15.000 as an autumn tranche. For the record, this festival earned the organizers of Arezzo Che Spacca the first place prize. In short, many events on the calendar, confirming the vitality of local associations and the attention that the municipal administration reserves for them, stimulating and financing their creativity. The Malpighi Festival is now becoming a neighborhood tradition, with the aim of bringing young people closer to the social and cultural life of the Malpighi Center and the adjacent park".
"Young people - thus Lorenzo Cinatti, director of the Guido d'Arezzo Foundation – have always been innovators also in the way of proposing and creating culture: for this reason the foundation is happy to support a reality like this festival which is closely linked to the territory and, at the same time, to the public of the future".
As regards the concerts, will be divided into two morning sessions with classical music in collaboration with OIDA – Orchestra Instabile di Arezzo Aps and in shows with renowned artists such as Dente, Claver Gold and Handlogic.
And we come to organisers' activities, which include courses training in Event Management, Videomaking, Photography, Comics, Theatre, with final show Sunday 23 July, daily talks with professionals from the artistic and cultural world.
During the three days, also watch out for the exhibition “Voices and Visions – A journey into comics” edited by Ilaria Pugi which is the subject of a specific note that accompanies this press release.
Malpighi Festival is created with the contributions of the department for sport and youth policies of the Municipality of Arezzo and the CR Firenze Foundation, in collaboration with the Guido d'Arezzo Foundation, Cesvot, Tuscany Region, Presidency of the Council of Ministers Department for youth policies and universal civil service.
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