Arezzo, “Chimera as it was – The myth revealed”: presentation of the book on Saturday 27 May at the Eden multiplex space

Saturday 27 May the presentation of the book "Chimera com'era - Il mito unveiled" and of the Biennale Giovani competition

Arezzo, “Chimera as it was – The myth revealed”: presentation of the book on Saturday 27 May at the Eden multiplex space.

The Chimera and its myth continue to fascinate. It's hot off the press un new volume dedicated to Etruscan bronze edited by Massimo Gallorini, president of the Art&Co.Science Study Center, entitled “Chimera as it was – The myth revealed”, published by Polistampa, whose presentation will be held on Saturday 27 May at 10:00 am, at the Eden multiplex space.

The volume was born from an ambitious and fascinating project: reconstructing the original appearance of the work going back to when, in the 4th century BC, it was placed as a votive gift inside a temple or other space reserved for worship. The result of extensive research, the text is based on a new approach that includes new studies on color and technique, also providing information on a hypothetical complex of sculptures that included Chimera, Pegasus and Bellerophon.

In the publication, the story begins 2400 years ago with the conception/production by the Etruscan-Hellenic workers of this mysterious artefact, symbol of the city of Arezzo and its history, giving particular space to the analysis of what happened over time from the discovery in land of Arezzo during the excavations of 1553, the restoration of Carradori up to the faithful bronze reproductions created by the Study Center, thanks to the Regional Directorate of Tuscany Museums.

But the commitment of the Centro Studi Arte&Co.Scienza does not just stop at research, it also addresses the training of young people. Again on the same day, Saturday 27th, following the presentation of the book, the Biennale Giovani competition will be illustrated in detail promoted by the Study Center together with the Piero della Francesca art school. This is a project designed by and for young people, aimed at artists who, through sculpture, photography, illustration, painting, screen printing, visual poetry, video art and street art are called to interpret the theme "beauty will save the world", a phrase pronounced by Prince Myshkin in the famous novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, where beauty means the "splendor of the Truth", according to a definition by Plato.

The competition aims to enhance creativity starting from our land with a project that will be extended nationally, and will be the first to be open to all artists and designers (individual or grouped together) aged 16 and over. Participation in the contest is free. Aim of the competition, for which the announcement will soon be published, is to give young people and students the opportunity to show their art to a wider audience outside the school and home walls. Both events obtained the patronage of the Municipality of Arezzo and the trademark of the Regional Council of Tuscany.

Saturday will end in the afternoon at the headquarters of the Centro Studi Arte&Co.Scienza, where at 15 pm a faithful bronze copy of the Chimera will be revealed, which saw the light also thanks to the passionate work of some students and interns. This work translates the studies contained in the publication into practice.

The following collaborated in the realization of the initiatives: Rotary Arezzo, Guido d'Arezzo Foundation, University of Oklahoma, Piero della Francesca Artistic High School, ITIS Galileo Galilei, TCA spa, Tuscan Surgical Center, Fonderia Artistica del Giudice, The Circle Of Life Art Gallery, Foundation Monnalisa, Maestro Vittorio Angini.

La Chimera di Arezzo: tutti i segreti svelati

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