Arezzo: “A Melody for Syria and Türkiye” the concert for earthquake-stricken children
Friday 31 March at 21.15pm in the Church of Santa Maria della Pieve
Arezzo: “A Melody for Syria and Turkey” the concert for earthquake-stricken children.
To celebrate Easter theVoceincanto Association has decided to dedicate its music to the girls and boys affected by the earthquake that devastated Syria and Turkey on February 6th. Friday 31 March from 21.15pm in the Church of Santa Maria della Pieve in Arezzo the solidarity concert organized with Unicef Italia “A Melody for Syria and Türkiye” and directed by Maestro Gianna Ghiori. An evening with free entry where it will be possible to donate and give concrete help thanks to the presence of volunteers Unicef.
The program. The musical evening opens with the award-winning young people of “Voceincanto Youth Choir” which present the sparkling “Missa Brevis” by the contemporary Slovenian composer Ambroz Copi accompanied on the piano by Maestro Lorenzo Magi and the very young percussionist Duccio Niccolini. The adult choir “Singers of Life” will be the protagonist together with the youth training for the execution of the “Short Masses in C” by Charles Gounod, a composition of rare beauty and musical sweetness, again with Lorenzo Magi on the piano.
The conductor is Maestro Gianna Ghiori who declares: "This concert will be the stimulus to enter the meditative atmosphere of Easter on the Friday before Palm Sunday and to give our contribution and support to the Unicef cause which has always seen us committed alongside alongside in concerts and activities dedicated to the little ones. The girls and boys involved in the disastrous earthquake in Syria and Turkey need us. Unicef, the main global organization for the protection of children, has accepted our invitation and thanks to the intervention of Doctor Giovanni Poggini, we will have the honor of having with us in Arezzo Dr. Carmela Pace, President of Unicef Italy, who will bear her testimony."
The Easter concert “A Melody for Syria and Turkey” is organized under the patronage of the Italian Committee for UNICEF – Onlus Foundation.
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