
Ancona launches a new call for support for young startups

With 78.000 euros of funding, the Municipality of Ancona supports the start-up and development of new youth businesses, following the success of the StartAn 2024 fair, which saw the participation of over 1500 people and 46 exhibitors.

Ancona launches a new call for support for young startups.

The Municipality of Ancona will soon make available a call for proposals to support young startups in the area. The announcement was made by the Councillor for Entrepreneurial Development, University and Youth Policies Marco Battino, che adds this news to the final report of StartAn, the first Italian startup fair held in Ancona from 13 to 15 November, with the aim of combining youth creativity with the experience of the business world.

Over 1500 participants, 46 exhibitors including spin-offs, partners and universities, more than 50 speakers and guests made Ancona a protagonist at a national level for three days, with many young people, students, influencers, startuppers, teachers and professionals from all over Italy.

Ancona lancia un nuovo bando per il sostegno delle startup giovanili

"For the first time - comments I'm beating - the trend has reversed: from the North to Central Italy, because in Ancona experts and professionals met to take stock of the role and future of young start-ups in our country".

The setting of the event, financed and supported by Anci, It is part of a path traced by the Administration with the aim of giving national scope to the development of local entrepreneurship. "We have already done it, for example, with Ancona Longeva - goes on I'm beating - initiative on the silver economy which then also merged with the Extra G7 Health. Also in this case, with other targets, the experiment proved to be of national importance".

The national start-up fair was the occasion to learn about the stories and good practices of the protagonists of new entrepreneurship, to closely analyze the most fertile fields for innovative projects, to learn about the stories and to offer the youngest opportunities for exchange and personal dialogue.

With a series of ad hoc initiatives, moreover, such as the expo area, the spin-off area of ​​the Polytechnic University of Marche, the B2B, the workshops, through specialist meetings with jurists, journalists and labour consultants, the participants, whether they were students or young entrepreneurs, had the opportunity to identify the correct paths for solving problems and developing activities. StartAn also offered, through a contest, a significant and concrete opportunity for in-depth study and training for two winning ideas among the many in the competition.

Ancona lancia un nuovo bando per il sostegno delle startup giovanili

The new announcement

The new tender announced by the councilor will be launched shortly. With this tool, once again thanks to Anci nazionale, 78 thousand euros will be made available to finance a series of start-ups in the area, new entrepreneurial forms that want to start or that have just been started by young people under 35.

StartAn for the city

"StartAn – Battino continues – among other things, it had the merit of enhancing some of the most significant spaces and containers of the city, first of all the Muses and the Loggia dei Mercanti, with the new pedestrianised Piazza della Repubblica, called for one evening to act as a collector for many young people, who met there for the final DJ set".

Ancona lancia un nuovo bando per il sostegno delle startup giovanili

StartAn's partners in innovation

StartAn 2024 has been made possible thanks to the collaboration of institutions, companies and professionals.

Institutional partners: Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Youth Policies, Anci, Municipalities of Sassoferrato and Maiolati Spontini, Polytechnic University of Marche, Chamber of Commerce of Marche.
Under the patronage of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy and the Marche Region.
Media Partner: 24 Hour Group
In collaboration with Edison Next, Fiorini, Tha Coffy Way, Bcc Ancona Falconara, FoodBrand Marche.
Project partners: Confartigianato Imprese AN – PU, Confindustria Ancona, Cna Ancona, Confapi Industria Ancona, Confcommercio Marche centrali, Coldiretti Ancona, Ac75 Startup Accelerator, The Hive, Jepa, We Make Future.

Ancona lancia un nuovo bando per il sostegno delle startup giovanili

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