
Ancona: 125th anniversary of the Salesian Work, from Wednesday to Friday three days of events to celebrate the oratory in celebration

“Sharing these three days of celebration is the beauty of reopening the doors of the oratory at the heart of our community, offering kids the chance to discover new horizons, to live experiences they would not otherwise have encountered, and to grow together, through sports, friendship and commitment,” the organizers say.

Ancona: 125th anniversary of the Salesian Work, from Wednesday to Friday three days of events to celebrate the oratory in celebration

For 125th anniversary from the laying of the first stone of the Salesian Work in the parish of Corso Carlo Alberto from now Wednesday 18 a Friday 20 a series of initiatives will take place, effectively transforming the oratory into a real stage of sport and passion for three days dedicated to the theme of Olympics. The event, sponsored by the Municipality of Ancona, is open to all and aims to involve young people, families and the local community in an experience of growth, sport and sharing.

Throughout all three days, from 16 am to 19 pm, the kids will have the opportunity to try different sports thanks to the collaboration with various sports clubs in Ancona, including flag football with the Dolphin, athletics with the Stamura, basketball with the PGS Orsal, the dance Butterfly, rugby with Doric Rugby, fencing with the Ancona Fencing Club and football with a representation of the team S.S.C. Ancona (will be present on Friday at 18:30 pm). The following will also participate: InSuperAbily, a project that allows disabled children to actively participate in sports events. And for the entire duration of the event it will be on display the Eucharist.

“The Salesian event is very important – explains the Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Sport John Zinni – because it unites territory, sociality and Christianity with sport. This formula is the best way to create a spinoff of last Sunday's Sports Festival because it unites the positive values ​​of sport with the sense of belonging to the neighborhood, thus encouraging kids to play sports and try out a series of recreational activities. On behalf of the municipal administration, I thank all the Salesians because, in addition to being an important garrison of legality and sociality in the Piano neighborhood, often involved in security problems, the parish oratory is also and above all a spiritual garrison”.

The Councilor for Social Policies will participate in the round table on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Salesian Work Manuela Caucci who says she is "very happy to participate in this moment of celebration of the community because they are certainly a great resource for the services offered by the public administration, but I would like to point out how, recently, the relationships and therefore the synergy between the parties have intensified, allowing the implementation of numerous projects capable of responding in the best way to the needs of the citizens".

The Councillor for Youth Policies is on the same line Marco Battino, which explains how "the Salesian Festival represents an event of sharing for the entire neighborhood, especially for young people; this moment of integration and inclusion, for three days, also through sports and games, manages to involve all citizens. The will of the municipal administration is to continue to collaborate with the organizations present in the territory, which take care of the kids, offering them a meeting place useful not only for socialization, but also and above all for education".

“The objectives – the organizers say – are multiple: inspire the youth through the presentation of various figures, including athletes, state agents and ordinary people who have achieved great goals with commitment and determination, but the event will also be an opportunity to get in touch with other sports and community realities, for start concrete collaborations and make ourselves known as an integral part of the life of our territory; and finally there will be the spirit of internal communion because, like last year, we want to live this experience together, breaking internal role patterns and collaborating among all the members of the Opera in a climate of brotherhood and unity”.

Ancona: 125anniversario dell’Opera Salesiana, da mercoledì a venerdì tre giorni di eventi per celebrare l'oratorio in festa

The program

Wednesday 18 September at 16:00 pm the opening ceremony, after which the kids will be able to have fun with acrobatics, rugby, art workshops, flagfootball, Salesian Olympic games and fencing. At 20 the oratory will host dinner for young people aged 15 to 30 (reservations appreciated at 324 7974461) and at 21:15 Eucharistic adoration will be held.

Thursday September 19st in addition to the recreational workshops, the participation of the State Police and Fire Brigade is expected in the afternoon, while 21:00 the round table, led by CGS Dorico, is scheduled, with the theme "125: the roots and the new seeds”, a short film by Davide Vassallo whose protagonist is Tarik, a boy who has done Civil Service in the Oratory. The participants will be the Councilor for Social Services Manuela Caucci, the Director of the Diocesan Caritas Office Simone Breccia Nadia Ciambrignoni, teacher and co-director of the Diocesan Office for Culture, Archdiocese of Ancona Osimo; the meeting will be moderated by the journalist Vincenzo Varagona.

Friday September 20st the grand finale of the party. While the games in the oratory will open at 16:00, the highlight is expected at 18:00 with the first team of Ssc Ancona. The final day will be dedicated to the Diocesan Vigil for Migrants with Monsignor Angelo Spina, a moment of reflection and prayer for the challenges related to migration. An ethnic dinner will follow, during which it will be possible to taste dishes from different cultures, to conclude with a themed show “The Nine Year Dream” of the Oratory of San Francesco alle Scale, inspired by the vision of Don Bosco, who will guide everyone on a journey between dream and reality; and for the older ones the testimony of Don Sandro Messina, Director of the Marche Region Migrantes, which will have as its theme the Mediterranean route.

“Sharing these three days of celebration is the beauty of reopening the doors of the oratory at the heart of our community, offering kids the chance to discover new horizons, to live experiences they would not otherwise have encountered, and to grow together, through sports, friendship and commitment,” the organizers say.

For more info: https://www.facebook.com/salesianiancona/

Ancona: 125anniversario dell’Opera Salesiana, da mercoledì a venerdì tre giorni di eventi per celebrare l'oratorio in festa

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