“A Dream of the Suburbs”, the anti-bullying feature film by 150 students from Salento.
A story of social redemption, of revenge, of urban redevelopment of actually existing places. It's called “A suburban dream” and is the feature film produced by six schools in Salento: the “Geremia Re” state comprehensive institute of Leverano (lead school) with the “Don Milani” IC, also of Leverano, and the comprehensive institutes of Aradeo – Neviano, Porto Cesareo, “P. Impastato” of Veglie and “A.Diaz” of Vernole.
Created through a project financed with the call “Cinematic and audiovisual language as an object and tool for education and training. Action C) Visions Off-Place”, promoted by Ministry of Culture and from Ministry of Education and Merit, the film was presented today, at Palazzo Adorno, by Antonio Leo, vice president of the Province of Lecce, Antonella Cazzato, head teacher of ICS "Geremia Re" of Leverano, Ines Cagnazzo, councilor for public education of the Municipality of Leverano, Maria Luisa Mirto , Evaluation and Monitoring representative, Fabio Frisenda, director, Graziano Tramacere, screenwriter, and the two boys protagonists of the film Stefano Mangia and Nicole Carrafa.
«The Province, the body that represents all the suburbs, makes this film its own with the messages it wants to convey. It is a film that addresses important issues, from bullying to the recovery of abandoned places, with a language that can involve younger people and, therefore, be of help where it is needed. The school is moving, the kids are there, the institutions are there. Together we form an incredible network. Only in this way can we defeat great social evils, such as bullying", highlighted the vice president of the Province of Lecce Antonio Leo.
The film “A suburban dream” will be screened premiering Monday 20 November, at The Space multiplex in Surbo, for the students of the six schools involved.
Entirely shot in the municipality of Leverano, partner of the project in synergy with local bodies and associations, the film develops a story of redemption and social affirmation through the events of the protagonist.
The film story does not neglect the feeling of revenge and rebirth, through overcoming the shame of one's humble origins in a context of life, the 167, a degraded territory on the edge of the town, but with strong margins for future expansion. Lele, the protagonist will discover, at the end of the tunnel of abuse and ridicule from his more socially well-off peers, the light of social redemption and acceptance. At the same time, he will recover the value of loyal and disinterested friendship, the strength of love without borders, that of parents, honest workers dedicated to daily sacrifices and that of pure love, capable of overcoming the barriers of illness and, again, the inestimable value of the intergenerational relationship, through constant comparison with the wise guidance of the grandfather.
The film, whose added value is given by the presence of teenagers, on stage as non-professional actors, induces the spectator to profound reflection and leads him to the affirmation that hope for a better tomorrow is always possible, as is the invincible strength of dream, if it is true that "A winner is only a dreamer who has never given up" (N. Mandela).
In addition to the production of the feature film, the project also included a training course, the screening of the film in the institutes involved, a cinema festival to be held in Leverano, participation in important Film Festivals and the use of the film on web TV platforms .
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