“A smile for Arezzo”: sport, entertainment and solidarity

Saturday 16 September at Pertini park.

“A smile for Arezzo”: sport, entertainment and solidarity.

“Guest of honor” was the director of “Eco del Rodent” Geronimo Stilton. The donations for Geronimo's books were donated to Calcit for the Scudo Project

In Arezzo a whole day of sport, health, entertainment and solidarity. It will be a real party, that one Saturday September 16 will animate the Pertini park with the event "A smile for Arezzo”, organized by Acli in collaboration with Calcit Arezzo and in association with the Geronimo Stilton Foundation, with the patronage of the Municipality of Arezzo, the Arezzo Community Foundation and the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority.

The event, aimed at disseminating social values ​​and raising funds for Calcit, will have among its protagonists together with Geronimo, the mouse writer, journalist and publisher most loved by children, a series of sports organizations such as Us Acli, Csi, the Fiamme Oro sports group. With them also the world of Joust of the Saracen which will be the protagonist of some spectacular moments.

The presence of the State Police is significant who will be at the event with its own exhibition area where the historic vehicles coming from can be admired Rome Police Car Museum as well as the current vehicles, in service of territorial control and traffic police every day on the roads. The Forensic Police will be present with its own personnel and with the special Fullback vehicle coming from Regional Cabinet of Florence to illustrate their activities. At the event, there will also be a dog team and a bomb disposal team who will organize performances for the children present. Will also participate Jacopo Luchini, athlete of the Fiamme Oro sports groups, paralympic snowboard specialty, winner of the 2019 World Cup of snowboard cross and current world champion of the same discipline.

During the day, children and adults will also be able to try the various activities offered by some sports associations, in particular rhythmic gymnastics with Petrarca Gymnastics Society, martial arts with the Karate club Funakoshi Arezzo 1978, archery with the Fire Brigade archers sports group, football with the Petrarca football club in collaboration with Tuscar. The operators will also be present Volunteering and civil protection group Odv Arezzo – Sop.

Therefore, there are numerous scheduled appointments starting from 10am with recreational and sporting activities. Introduced by the herald of the Giostra, by the representatives of the four districts and by a performance by the Musicians, it will be the turn of the first moment of show by Geronimo Stilton accompanied by his "creator" Elisabetta Dami, followed by delivery of plaques and recognition certificates to the protagonists of the event, in the presence of the authorities. Closing the day will be Geronimo Stilton again with the second part of his show. Furthermore, the cute mouse, director of “Eco del Rodent”, will also be present with a foundation gazebo dedicated to the books of Geronimo Stilton, available for a donation of 10 € the proceeds of which will be donated to Calcit for the Scudo Project.


"A relevant institutional and associative supply chain with great significance – underlined the deputy mayor and president of the Arezzo Community Foundation Lucia Many - born a year ago now when the ACLI proposed an initiative on civic education and the value of being close and together, identifying May 14th as the starting date and then postponed due to bad weather to Saturday September 16th. An event was born thanks to which Arezzo increasingly tends to qualify itself as a 'polis' committed to care, generosity and proximity. 'Together is more', that of the Arezzo Community Foundation seems to me to be the appropriate slogan".

"The ACLI - has explained Manuela Pisaniello, responsible for culture of the presidency of the ACLI of Arezzo - they work to encourage the growth and aggregation of different social subjects, starting from families, through training and social action aimed at promoting services, socialization and aggregation. With regard to the 'A smile for Arezzo' event, we thought of giving life to an event with the involvement of the Geronimo Stilton Foundation with which we will share the spaces to increase the potential of raising funds which will be allocated to the Calcit Scudo Project for treatments home oncology. The objective is to involve families and children to spend a day together in the name of solidarity, legality, sport and health, with the precious collaboration of the State Police and with the involvement of the Csi and Us Acli associations. All this, ensuring that the historical-reminiscent component of the city was also present through the neighborhoods of the Giostra del Saracino and the Musicians”.

"I'm really happy - commented Elizabeth Dami, author of Geronimo Stilton, writer of children's books and President of the Geronimo Stilton Foundation – that this 'stratopic' day was organized with all the friends of Arezzo to support the growth in values ​​and health of the new generations. An intense solidarity program created thanks to institutions, companies and the associative world which has the shared aim of giving a smile by also bringing the contribution of the Geronimo Stilton Foundation in favor of Calcit for the Scudo Project of the Arezzo hospital. As Geronimo Stilton's 'mother' I am truly proud of what we will achieve together on Saturday 16 September”.

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