Vicenza, the terrace of the Palladian Basilica reopens. The Pop/Beat exhibition is open in the hall and the front pages of the Giornale di Vicenza from the 60s and 70s are on display in the Domus comestabilis.
As spring approaches, the terrace of the Palladian Basilica reopens, this year early and already continuously. We start tomorrow, Wednesday 20 March, coinciding with the extended opening until 22pm of the Basilica and the exhibition “Pop/Beat, Italia 1960-1979. Liberi di Sognare”, as part of the “èPrimavera” program of events.
The terrace, therefore, will remain open on Wednesdays until May 1st and on weekends, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, throughout the summer, during the day from 10am to 18pm and in the evening with the bar service.
The mayor Giacomo Possamai, the councilor for youth policies Leonardo Nicolai, the councilor for major events Leone Zilio and the councilor for economic development and territory Cristina Balbi were present today on the terrace of the Palladian Basilica to announce the opening. The bar manager, Alberto Quaresimin, was also present.
«“èPrimavera” officially kicks off tonight – said the mayor Giacomo Possamai – with a series of events that will bring the historic center to life. The program also includes the opening of the terrace of the Basilica, earlier this year, because from tomorrow, for seven Wednesdays, the monument will extend its opening until 22pm with the possibility of seeing the Pop/ Beat in which events will take place. Furthermore, in the evening the bar will also open and on Wednesdays it will offer music from the 60s and 70s to recreate the atmosphere of the period in which the exhibition is set. The opening of the terrace fits with our intention to make the historic center alive, a symbolic place and a business card for the city. Furthermore, tomorrow a series of evening events will begin on the exhibition with the curator scheduled every week, on Wednesdays. Finally, in Domus comestabilis 10 front pages of the Vicenza newspaper from the 60s and 70s will be exhibited».
«Il calendar of “èPrimavera” starts today, Tuesday, on the day dedicated to sport, in which the boxing and martial arts associations in Piazza Biade will participate. CorrixVicenza of Atletica Vicentina also continues, with the other sports associations, which from the area next to the Municipal Theater reach, upon our specific request, the streets of the city. Furthermore, we are receiving numerous requests from associations that want to participate in sports Tuesdays», commented the councilor for major events Leone Zilio.
«Wednesday is dedicated to music in the local – the councilor for economic development and territory Cristina Balbi spoke -. The initiative is carried out in collaboration with Confcommercio which deals with the involvement of traders. Tomorrow the musical program will affect Piazza delle Erbe with the hope that there will be an ever greater participation of the venues, which are also found in other areas of the centre, to broaden the initiatives and involve people with the greatest possible offer".
«On Thursday ExVuoto Teatro will begin offering activities for families and children in Piazza dei Signori. Furthermore, several street artists are contacting us asking for perform, as per our proposal on Thursday. “èPrimavera” aims to make citizens aware of the opportunities that already exist in the city and to facilitate the carrying out of activities in the center as much as possible. We decided to concentrate on midweek days because these are when the center is less populated» – concluded the councilor for youth policies Leonardo Nicolai.
“èPrimavera” Wednesdays
The terrace season will officially open on Wednesday 20 March at 19pm with a music party with DJ Prince Anizoba and bar service available. For the occasion, access will be free.
Furthermore, every Wednesday evening, on the terrace the bar will offer music from the 60s and 70s, in keeping with the theme of the "Pop/Beat" exhibition.
A novelty will welcome visitors: in the Domus comestabilis 10 front pages of the Giornale di Vicenza will be displayed with the most significant events of the 60s and 70s, a collateral event of the "Pop/Beat" exhibition.
On the central day of the week, from 20 March to 20 April, "Wednesdays with the curator!" are also scheduled. during which Roberto Floreani will accompany visitors to discover the "Pop/Beat" exhibition with a cycle of special events.
Tomorrow, in the first appointment, at 20.30 pm texts will be recited, including unpublished interpretations of songs by the Sicilian Antigroup, and a guided tour of the exhibition is planned with the curator Roberto Floreani where the exploration will be animated from a perspective, "the artist the artist tells us”, in a sequence of unpublished suggestions.
Participation, subject to availability, upon purchase of the exhibition access ticket.
Terrace openings
The terrace can be visited on Wednesday 20, 27 March, 3, 10, 17, 24 April and 1 May and on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 18pm by purchasing a ticket to visit the monument or the exhibition "Pop/Beat, Italia 1960- 1979. Free to dream".
The terrace, with bar service, will be open on Wednesdays 20th, 27th March, 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th April and 1st May from 18pm to 22pm. And on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the following times: 22nd, 23rd, 24th March from 15.30pm to 18pm; Friday 29 March from 15.30pm to 21pm, Saturday 30 and Saturday 31 March and Monday 1 April from 11.30am to 14.30pm and from 15.30pm to 21pm.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 5th to 28th April from 15.30pm to 21pm. Tuesday 30th April from 18pm to 22pm.
Entrance: 1 euro for residents of Vicenza and the province, 2 euros for residents outside the province.
A 10 euro subscription is available for entry to the terrace in the evening, for the entire season.
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