Vibo Valentia, a building of the State Police Officers Student School named in memory of Assistant Matteo Demenego and Selected Agent Pierluigi Rotta
Matteo Demenego and Pierluigi Rotta, aged 31 and 34 respectively, serving at the UPGSP of the Trieste Police Headquarters, lost their lives during a shooting that occurred on 4 October 2019.
Vibo Valentia, named a building of the State Police Student Agents School in memory of Assistant Matteo Demenego and Selected Agent Pierluigi Rotta.
It took place on the morning of March 15th at the Student Agents School of the State Police in Vibo Valentia, in the presence of the Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of the Interior Wanda Ferro and the Deputy Chief of Police - Central Director of the Criminal Police Prefect Raffaele Grassi, the naming ceremony of a building in memory of Assistant Matteo Demenego and Selected Agent Pierluigi Rotta, who fell in service on 4 October 2019 in Trieste.
Matteo Demenego and Pierluigi Rotta, aged 31 and 34 respectively, serving at the UPGSP of the Trieste Police Headquarters, lost their lives during a shooting that occurred on 4 October 2019.
Present at the ceremony, in addition to the family members of Assistant Demenego, the Director of the Inspectorate of State Police Schools Tiziana Terribile, the Police Commissioner Cristiano Tatarelli, the Prefect Paolo Giovanni Grieco, the Mayor of Vibo Valentia Maria Limardo, the Quaestors of Calabria, the Director of the local Student Agents School, the representatives of the judicial authority, the highest civil, military and religious authorities of the province, the representatives of the National Association of State Police, as well as the Student Agents of the 225th Training course.
Undersecretary Ferro, addressing the student agents of the 225th course, recalled how Matteo and Pierluigi, the "stars sons", have left a witness, which every policeman will carry with them: humanity, enthusiasm, passion in carrying out their work with responsibility, towards the community that they are called to protect in everyday life. With initiatives like today's, the Honorable Ferro highlighted, their sacrifice is honored and their testimony of dedication and sense of duty is preserved.
In his speech, Prefect Grassi underlined how deeply the loss of Matteo and Pierluigi affected the heart of the State Police. Their “flying 2”, highlighted the Deputy Chief of Police, was one with the community and was the most authentic expression of support and service to citizens. During their career they had been promoted for saving the life of a boy who wanted to commit suicide, recalled Prefect Grassi. This gesture of theirs is emblematic of the highest meaning of the difficult profession of the policeman: overcoming danger and courageously exposing themselves to save human lives. Their smile and enthusiasm are a lesson for all policemen and testify to the passion with which Matteo and Pierluigi wore the uniform of the State Police. Finally, Prefect Grassi emphasized how important it is that the human and professional qualities of Matteo and Pierluigi are remembered in a police school, where young policemen are trained.
After the blessing of the plaque naming the headquarters by the Bishop of the Diocese of Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea Monsignor Attilio Nostro, the Hon. Ferro and Deputy Police Chief Grassi delivered a parchment to the victims' families.
At the end of the ceremony, Prefect Grassi met the Directors and Officials of the State Police, the trade unions and a delegation of policemen on duty in the various offices at the Police Headquarters.
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