Thursday 29 June in Arezzo, creation of the mural at the University Humanities Library, as part of the “Viva Il Pionta!” initiatives.

“Long live PIonta!” This is the title of a whole series of initiatives that will start on June 29th in Arezzo, with the aim of enhancing the Pionta Park and its numerous urban social regeneration projects.

Thursday 29 June in Arezzo, creation of the mural at the University Humanities Library, as part of the "Viva Il Pionta!" initiatives.

"Long live PIonta!”, June 29th is the date that commemorates the closure of the psychiatric hospital of Arezzo, which occurred in 1990, and precisely on that anniversary, music, sport, spaces for games and cultural initiatives are scheduled at the Pionta, organized by the Committee for the rebirth of Pionta, the University and other associations that have long been working to make this real green lung close to the city of Arezzo a place of social aggregation.

On this occasion, the University of Siena participates in the rich program of initiatives with the creation of the mural, painted by the artist Rame 13 (Ginevra Giovannoni), on the facade of the Humanistic Library of the University of Arezzo (former RAM building).

Giovedì 29 giugno ad Arezzo, realizzazione del murales alla Biblioteca Umanistica dell’Ateneo, nell’ambito delle iniziative “Viva Il Pionta!”.

The work is part of the social valorization and regeneration initiatives of the Pionta Park and of the project “Genius loci, memory, identity: creating a cultural Presidium in the Pionta Park (GEM)”, financed by the Tuscany Region and coordinated by the professor Francesca Bianchi, of the University's Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences.

In the work, the artist expresses the concept of knowledge, scientific research and respect for nature, but also wants to remember the memory of the place, the former neuropsychiatric hospital of Arezzo.

The University collaborates on various initiatives. In the morning, at 11:00, a narrative walk "The voices of the red roofs" will start from the Sala dei Grandi of the same humanistic library, curated by the Compagnia Chille de la balanza of Florence, in which students of the University of Florence will take part. Siena. While at 15 pm the presentation of the “Voci negate” project will be held, in the planning of which female and male students of the University took part; to follow, in the Aula Teatro of the Women's University building, the screening of the video “Voci Negate” is scheduled, an event organized by Lab 00, Circolo Baobab Arezzo.

The complete calendar of initiatives is published at:

Giovedì 29 giugno ad Arezzo, realizzazione del murales alla Biblioteca Umanistica dell’Ateneo, nell’ambito delle iniziative “Viva Il Pionta!”.

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