
Modica, the meetings of the 'Legality Project' in schools with the Carabinieri continue

The meetings are aimed at broadening the students' cognitive sphere regarding respect for the basic norms of social life

Modica, the meetings of the 'Legality Project' in schools with the Carabinieri continue. 

In full compliance with the national protocol stipulated between the General Command of the Army and the Ministry of Education, meetings with students of first and second level secondary schools also continue on the part of the Army of Modica.
The meetings, which fall within the scope of the "Legality Project" referring to the 2023/2024 school year, are aimed at broadening the cognitive sphere of students regarding respect for the basic norms of social life, stimulating in them the propensity to be aware of their actions and, above all, of the repercussions that may derive from failure to comply with legal precepts.

Modica, continuano gli incontri del 'Progetto legalità' nelle scuole con l'Arma
The institutes involved in this cycle of seminars cover the entire territory under the jurisdiction of the Carabinieri Company of Modica and concern all addresses, starting from the “Principi Grimaldi” State Professional Institute, up to the “Padre Pio da Pietralcina” Comprehensive Institute. of the city of Ispica. The participation of the students, in addition to being conspicuous, was particularly active, as the young students demonstrated their sincere enthusiasm by asking questions about the activities and daily tasks that the Corps is called upon to carry out every day.

Attention was placed on a series of topics which, even today, require serious discussion before their protagonists such as bullying, cyberbullying and the phenomenon of school dropout. In fact, the need to promptly report these phenomena to the competent authorities was underlined, a commitment to be undertaken also as a moral duty. Practical advice was provided on how to manage one's free time online, with the invitation to students to be responsible digital citizens, capable of knowing the consequences of their actions on social networks.

The value of dreams and the commitment necessary to cultivate them was underlined, setting objectives and actively applying ourselves to their realization. These premises have allowed the opening of a fruitful debate on today's issues affecting the world of adolescents and on the logical sense of following an adequate training path, in order to realize significant life projects. From here questions and observations arose from the students and teachers present at the seminars, alternating times of listening with moments of reflection and debate.

During these meetings, staff from the Carabinieri Dog Unit of Nicolosi also intervened, attracting the attention of the students with an "operational" demonstration of the activities that are carried out daily, both in relation to the search for drugs and weapons and the fundamental role that the four-legged friend can have during a public order service. The events strengthened the collaboration between schools and law enforcement, demonstrating that the educational community, by joining forces, can face the challenges that the contemporary world poses, especially in relation to the elusive phenomenon of excessive and unconscious use of social networks.

Modica, continuano gli incontri del 'Progetto legalità' nelle scuole con l'Arma

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