The Hortus conclusus reopens in Benevento: a symbol of art and culture returned to the city
The site enhancement work is financed with resources from the Pics program.
The Hortus conclusus reopens in Benevento: a symbol of art and culture returned to the city.
Benevento. “A symbol of art that we give back to the city. The aesthetic beauty of the Hortus conclusus, the work of a world-renowned master and artistic intelligence like Mimmo Paladino, is a source of pride for all of us", so the Mayor of Benevento Clement Mastella this morning at the reopening of theHortus conclusus, after the site enhancement work financed with the resources of the Pics program.
Il Maestro Mimmo Paladino he spoke of aglory day” arrived at the seal of a “work finished stone by stone" and "of an extraordinary choral work".
He was the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano to close the event with a speech in which he remembered “the human quality that characterizes the city of Benevento which I know well from Campania“, he then recalled, in a place that is a symbol of contemporary art, the attention that the Government dedicates to it: “Every year a city will be the capital of contemporary art”. He then reiterated that "culture is fundamental to giving a credible qualitative perspective to young people who want to stay in the South" . "With Clemente Mastella, a long-time friend, we will discuss calmly to strengthen the municipal theatre", for which the Mayor requested funds for an air conditioning system. “The Egyptian section? As far as I'm concerned, the one in Benevento is already an Egyptian Museum“, he then concluded Minister of Culture with respect to Mayor Mastella's request to enhance the Egyptian heritage of the city.
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