Syracuse: the third edition of the Cine Oktober Fest 2023 ends tonight.

A music video excursus created on the occasion of the forty-fifth anniversary of the US release of the cult film "Halloween".

Syracuse: the third edition of the Cine Oktober Fest 2023 ends tonight.

It ends tonight with a Special dedicated to the cinema of John Carpenter, the third edition of Cine Oktober Fest, 2023 edition. A music video excursus created on the occasion of the forty-fifth anniversary of the US release of the cult film “Halloween”(1978), will close at the Urban Center and at the Biblios Cafè what for many was the richest event in real historical documents of world cinema. A challenging, “titanic” third edition – as the artistic director defines it Giuseppe Briffa, regarding the means, times and resources used, but which "still allowed me - declared Briffa - to develop a wide-ranging program in all the sections covered". Which have been defined on four guidelines: Scandinavian, Anniversary, Silent ImAge and Post-Horror Wave.

There were various and intense meetings organized in the context of the event, first of all the one with Remo Romeo, founder of the Cinema Museum of Syracuse in 1995 and who today looks with a watchful eye at the conservation of the inestimable quantity of historical artefacts delivered to the Municipality of Syracuse in the new museum dedicated to him in the ancient church of the Knights of Malta. To Giuseppe Briffa, Remo Romeo has repeatedly shown his gratitude for having spent all his effort and dedication in setting up the permanent exhibition, now entrusted to the Pro-Loco of Syracuse.

Siracusa: si conclude stasera la terza edizione del Cine Oktober Fest 2023.
Another moment of sharing and great participation was with the Quasimodo middle school in Floridia; the attentive and prepared children were offered an intense and detailed lesson on the history of cinema by Giuseppe Briffa and Ludovico Leone, vice president of the Post-Cinema association which represents the backbone of the Cine Oktober Fest.

“The thing that mattered most to me and I think the most appreciated – he commented today before the final evening Giuseppe Briffa – was the choice of launch for the first time an inherently contradictory current such as Post-Horror, which remains a rough and difficult to understand diamond that needs to be explored further." Because, Briffa explains further, "when a new format or, as in this case, a new cinematographic movement is thrown onto the table, presumptuously claiming that it is the latest avant-garde that the seventh art has been offering for 23 years now, there are certainly some risks runs."

E we are already thinking about the fourth edition in 2024. “I would like to deal – announces Briffa – with the remote corners of the globe, such as Malaysia, Iran or Iceland and pay homage to our now historic Italian Gothic and Macabre which we miss so much. I think of Avati, Bava, Fulci, Fellini, the latter little known to the general public for his undoubted turns into the esoteric and dark realm: because, as in my slogan and increasingly convinced, The Cinema of the Past is our Future".

Today 31 October, as mentioned at the beginning, thelast double appointment with the Cine Oktober Fest at the Urban Center, at 21pm with The Cinema of John Carpenter: a filmographic excursus on one of the greatest outsiders in the history of Hollywood cinema in the second half of the twentieth century. A Master, a man who subverted the laws of cinema - as we read in the notes released by Post-Cinema - changing the form from which he drew - including Hitchcock, Ford, Segal - and who despite his continuous and incessant going against he establishment has managed to become mythological in its simple and immersive visions of a world controlled by capitalism. The peculiarity of Carpenter's work is also in its dual function: direction and electronic composition of synthwave par excellence.
Tonight we will face nine masterpieces by the Maestro with introductions, contributions edited ad hoc and set to live music as he himself offers in his concerts all over the world.
Following at 23pm, Halloween - The Night of the Witches (1978): in occasion of the 45th anniversary of the release of a film considered an icon for its minimal and radical characteristics in its stylistic form. Filmed semi-independently, Carpenter's work remains a milestone in cinema of all time.

Live music with Noemi Barbera, Chiara Pino and Ludovico Leone.
Cine Oktober Fest participated with a focus on Scandinavia in the Nordic Festival – I Boreali and the Iperborea publishing house, which took place at the Urban Center from 27 to 29 October, offering four extraordinary films signed by Roy Anderson, Joachin Trier, Ingmar Bergman, Carl Theodor Dreyer and Ari Asher.

They participated with readings and short theatrical performances by the actors of the VAN cultural association (Towards Other Narrazioni), Ornella Matranga and Riccardo Rizzo, who contribute with their commitment to making Post-Cinema richer and more productive in ideas, which today is based - as well as being autonomous and self-financing - on the contribution of educated young people and willing, including Claudio Pavia, graphic designer, Gianandrea Cama for finding sponsors and funding, and Davide Carnemolla for criticism.

The Syracuse cinema event is conceived and directed by Giuseppe Briffa, president of Post-Cinema and by vice president Ludovico Leone (musician, graphic designer and independent director); Cine Oktober Fest is sponsored by the Municipality of Syracuse in partnership with Syracuse City Education, Urban Center and Biblios Cafè Ortigia with the irreplaceable collaboration of Paola Tusa.

Siracusa: si conclude stasera la terza edizione del Cine Oktober Fest 2023.

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